Saturday, August 31, 2019

Creating ASP.NET Apps with React

Single Page Applications are the new wave of the moment. In the midst of several frameworks and libraries that arose during the last decade to tackle better ways to build web applications, React is now the most popular one. It’s a lightweight library (yes, React is not a framework, so it means it doesn’t come with all the rules, specifications and patterns that Angular, e.g., comes with), that is embraced and powered by the community, simple to use, flexible, and relies on a strong concept: components.

Components are not a concept created by React, you may say, and you would be correct. However, React made them far simpler for JavaScript developers. Now, with just the use of a single .js file, as well as the power of ECMAScript (especially from 6+) and some good old patterns, you can create complex web applications from scratch, reusing as many components you need. This makes the reuse of code a big plus for JavaScript apps: more testable, concise, understandable, etc.

Besides that, the community grew rapidly around the React world, creating tons of new related libraries that help to boost React’s power to a whole new level. From libs for centralized state management (Redux), stylizing your components (or add known libs like Bootstrap, Antd, etc.), to completely new ways of dealing with forms, remote calls, server-side rendering… The number of options is huge and continuously growing.

In this article, you’ll learn how to integrate a well-known back-end API (that’ll be served on top of ASP.NET) to a SPA totally made in React from scratch. React, in fact, can be integrated with whatever back-end services you want; however, this will be an excellent opportunity for you to analyze how both environments (front and back) work together in real-world scenarios.

To do this, the article covers building a CRUD application of user data, exploring the construction of both back and front ends, from the installation and configuration to the implementation. It makes use of Bootstrap for the UI, in order to cut down on worry about CSS and styles. This is the final representation of the view, once done:

Figure 1. The final application visualization.

Setup – Back-end

First, make sure you have a recent version of Visual Studio Community installed on your computer. Then, create an API project by going to the File –> New –> Project… menu and selecting the ASP.NET Core Web Application option, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Creating the new API project.

Give it a name and click OK. For the next wizard screen, you’re going to see that a React.js project template is already available along with the ASP.NET Core projects. It’s useful to have this, mainly for experienced developers who don’t want to spend much time on setting up and copy-pasting stuff. However, as beginners, I’d suggest starting from zero, with preset config. This will lead you a better understanding of the basics around how React works, as well as how you will connect the front to the back-end API.

Additionally, this example will not use the same structure VS sets up there. It consists of a project in which the front will be hosted the same place as the back-end code. Nevertheless, you will work in a side front project independent of the ASP.NET suite. This means that they’ll exist in two different worlds that still communicate with each other.

After completing this tutorial, I’d encourage you to go back and create another project, this time, with the project template. That way, you’ll have enough knowledge to understand what VS has magically created for you.

Once finished, move on to the ASP.NET API architecture. This is going to be simple: you’ll expose some /users endpoints to add, list, search, update and delete users in an in-memory static list in the back-end application. This way, you’ll maintain three main packages in the project:

  • Controllers: already created within the project, they’ll store the user’s controller;
  • Models: will store the data transfer objects, as plain and simple user data objects;
  • Services: will store the service classes that’ll handle the operations over the user’s list.

Make sure to create each folder in the root source folder. Start with the User.cs file. Listing 1 shows its content.

Listing 1. User.cs class

using System;
namespace ReactASPCrud.Models
    public class User
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Email { get; set; }
        public string Document { get; set; }
        public string Phone { get; set; }

It’s just simple code with a bunch of fields to represent each input shown in Figure 1.

Listing 2 shows how the UserService.cs will look:

Listing 2. UserService.cs class code.

using ReactASPCrud.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ReactASPCrud.Services
    public class UserService
        private static List<User> users = new List<User>();
        private static int Count = 1;
        private static readonly string[] names = new string[] { "Jonathan", "Mary", "Susan", "Joe", "Paul", "Carl", "Amanda", "Neil" };
        private static readonly string[] surnames = new string[] { "Smith", "O'Neil", "MacDonald", "Gay", "Bailee", "Saigan", "Strip", "Spenser" };
        private static readonly string[] extensions = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "" };
        static UserService()
            Random rnd = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                string currName = names[rnd.Next(names.Length)];
                User user = new User
                    Id = Count++,
                    Name = currName + " " + surnames[rnd.Next(surnames.Length)],
                    Email = currName.ToLower() + extensions[rnd.Next(extensions.Length)],
                    Document = (rnd.Next(0, 100000) * rnd.Next(0, 100000)).ToString().PadLeft(10, '0'),
                    Phone = "+1 888-452-1232"
        public List<User> GetAll()
            return users;
        public User GetById(int id)
            return users.Where(user => user.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();
        public User Create(User user)
            user.Id = Count++;
            return user;
        public void Update(int id, User user)
            User found = users.Where(n => n.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();
            found.Name = user.Name;
            found.Email = user.Email;
            found.Document = user.Document;
            found.Phone = user.Phone;
        public void Delete(int id)
            users.RemoveAll(n => n.Id == id);

There are a couple of new things going on. First, you need a static List to store the elements, simulating something like a database (feel free to implement whatever storage strategy you would like). The next three arrays represent some random names, surnames and mail extensions in order to facilitate the process of generating a prelist of users and randomize their field values as well.

The static block initializes this list, making sure to generate as many random values as possible. The rest of the methods are just performing usual operations over the list, with the help of Linq.

Simple, isn’t it? Time to move to the controller. Make sure to rename the default one already created to UsersController.cs (the plural is important here, once it’s used for ASP.NET to apply the URI path for all operations). Then, substitute its content with the code shown in Listing 3.

Listing 3. UsersController.cs class code.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using ReactASPCrud.Models;
using ReactASPCrud.Services;
namespace ReactASPCrud.Controllers
    public class UsersController : ControllerBase
        private readonly UserService userService;
        public UsersController(UserService userService)
            this.userService = userService;
        // GET api/users
        public IEnumerable<User> Get()
            return userService.GetAll();
        // GET api/users/5
        public async Task<IActionResult> Get(int id)
            return Ok(userService.GetById(id));
        // POST api/users
        public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] User user)
            return CreatedAtAction("Get", new { id = user.Id }, userService.Create(user));
        // PUT api/users/5
        public async Task<IActionResult> Put(int id, [FromBody] User user)
            userService.Update(id, user);
            return NoContent();
        // DELETE api/users/5
        public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id)
            return NoContent();
        public override NoContentResult NoContent()
            return base.NoContent();

Note that most operations perform the exact same calls through the UserService methods; they’re practically equal. However, some things are noticeable:

  • EnableCors annotation is an important point here, mainly because it sets the CORS policy this controller must use, the one to be configured soon. Without it, request calls from a different origin (the React application, in this case) won’t be allowed by the server;
  • The service is being injected via the controller’s constructor. This is only possible because you’ll also set it up soon in the Startup class;
  • The Post method makes use of CreatedAtAction() method to return a reference to the Get equivalent method of the then-created user. This allows the API to return a 201 HTTP status along with the header of where the created resource is located;
  • The rest of the endpoints return a 204 HTTP status representing a No Content action.

Finally, you need to make some important configurations to the Startup.cs class. Open it and add the following changes shown in Listing 4. These are the code you need to add to the ConfigureServices() method:

  • The registration of UserService as a singleton object that’ll be automatically available for injection throughout the project;
  • The Cors policy previously mentioned. Here, you’re just allowing any method, origin, header and credentials that arrive at the house (which wouldn’t be appropriate for production security reasons).

Listing 4. Code to add to ConfigureServices() method.

using ReactASPCrud.Services
services.AddCors(o => o.AddPolicy("ReactPolicy", builder =>

Then, you need to make sure that the Cors is enabled by adding the following code snippet to the Configure() method:


Now you can run the application and the test the endpoints on your own. Make sure to pay attention to the port where your service will be run since this is going to be important when calling the endpoints from the React code.

Setup – Front-end

Now, it’s React time. The first thing you must install on your computer is Node.js. I’m not getting into details about Node.js and how it works or how to install it, but if you don’t have it yet, follow this link for instructions. It’s very straightforward. Please, remember that, for this article, you’ll need a Node.js at, at least, 8.16.0+. So, make sure to upgrade it if you’re under an older version.

For the IDE, use Visual Studio Code for the front-end, but feel free to use whichever tool you’re more used to.

Because of the complexities involving React, use create-react-app, a great shortcut to creating a preset React application that comes with default folders, initial config files, serviceWorker, a package.json file, some JavaScript/CSS files and more. It makes it very easy to create an application from nothing and run it with npm or yarn.

The first command you need to run is the following:

npx create-react-app react-ui-crud

npx is a tool that facilitates using packages from the npm registry. Npm is a better way to deal with dependencies on the registry, and so it is the same for npx for CLI tools/executables on the registry. You can read more about it here.

The first limitation is the name of the project. There are some restrictions like the use of capital letters or special characters. Once you enter the command, some basic React dependencies will be immediately installed:

  • react: the React lib itself. Main module;
  • react-dom: this package serves as the entry point to the DOM and server renderers for React. It is intended to be paired with the generic React package, which is shipped as react to npm.
  • react-scripts: this package includes scripts and configuration used by Create React App.

At the end, the script will have created your project with the following structure:

The node_modules is the directory where all your Node.js dependencies will be installed. They’re going to be read from the package.json file, which instructs npm to handle what packages retrieve from the registry (remote repo) every time you run the command npm start. That’s why this directory is usually ignored in your .gitignore file, once npm knows where to search for all of them in case you’re cloning the project for the first time or accidentally delete them.

The public folder is the place you’ll store the files that can be directly accessed from the client, like images, HTML or public scripts. Generally, the src folder, the one that stores your JavaScript dynamic files as well as CSS, is the folder where you spend most of the time working.

Figure 3 shows the output generated by the command.

Figure 3. create-react-app output.

You still need to add some more dependencies to the project. Since you won’t take too much time on the styling of the UI, you’ll make use of Bootstrap for that job. More specifically, you’ll use the reactstrap library, which is a great encapsulation of Bootstrap components as React ones.

For this, issue the following command in the root folder of the project:

npm install --save bootstrap reactstrap

That’s it. Before diving into the React code, analyze the contents of package.json file in Listing 5.

Listing 5. package.json code.

  "name": "react-ui-crud",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "react": "^16.8.6",
    "react-dom": "^16.8.6",
    "react-scripts": "3.0.1",
    "reactstrap": "^8.0.1"
  "scripts": {
    "start": "react-scripts start",
    "build": "react-scripts build",
    "test": "react-scripts test",
    "eject": "react-scripts eject"
  "eslintConfig": {
    "extends": "react-app"
  "browserslist": {
    "production": [
      "not dead",
      "not op_mini all"
    "development": [
      "last 1 chrome version",
      "last 1 firefox version",
      "last 1 safari version"

The main parts of the file are contained under dependencies and scripts properties. The first lists the exactly same dependencies previously installed (this is part of the way npm knows where to fetch again in case you delete them); the second configures the commands npm used when you run start, build, etc. along with npm in the command line.

Go and test it. Run npm start in the root folder, and npm will run the application, as well as open a browser window with a simple logo of React and some code as an example.

Let’s React

First take a look at the usual header and footer parts. It’s easier since you’ll have contact with the menu and footer links first and understand how you can connect Bootstrap with React. For this, create a new folder /components into /src folder, which is the place to store all the scripts regarding React components. Then, create two files AppHeader.js and AppFooter.js. Listing 6 shows the code of the first JavaScript file.

Listing 6. First React component: AppHeader.js

import React, { Component } from 'react'; // 1
import {
} from 'reactstrap'; // 2
class AppHeader extends Component { // 3
    state = { // 4
        isOpen: false
    toggle = this.toggle.bind(this); // 5
    toggle() { // 6
            isOpen: !this.state.isOpen
    render() { // 7
        return <Navbar color="dark" dark expand="md">
            <NavbarBrand href="/">
                <img src="" width="128" className="d-inline-block align-top" alt="" />
            <NavbarToggler onClick={this.toggle} />
            <Collapse isOpen={this.state.isOpen} navbar>
                <Nav className="ml-auto" navbar>
                        <NavLink href="/">Hello</NavLink>
                    <UncontrolledDropdown nav inNavbar>
                        <DropdownToggle nav caret>
                        <DropdownMenu right>
                            <DropdownItem href="/">For U</DropdownItem>
                            <DropdownItem>For Us</DropdownItem>
export default AppHeader; // 8

There are some numbers in the comments help explain what every part of the code represents:

  1. The first thing with React components is importing. Here, you import all the other components, functions, constants, etc., needed alongside the rest of the JS file. React is the main and default import; it’s necessary to inject React stuff into the current file. Component is one of the possible ways React allows you to represent a component: via class. This way, in point 3, you can extend from the React Component element to create a React component by class extension.
  2. Here, you import all the different Reactstrap components you’ll need: from navbar to dropdownmenu. Check their official list of possible components.
  3. Creating a new component called AppHeader.
  4. When using the class-based component model, React allows you to have a direct state variable, which can be defined right after the class declaration, and will store all the properties that are important for the functioning of the current component and just for it. Here, you’re creating a boolean prop called isOpen that’ll store the current state of the dropdownmenu (that’ll be created soon).
  5. Here, you merely bind the current component to the toggle() function below.
  6. The toggle() function: it’ll alter the state of the component every time is called, i.e., every time the Reactstrap component orchestrate a call to it to manage if the dropdown is open or not.
  7. The render() function: it’s the most important overwritten function of every React component because it is responsible for returning the JSX code (JSX is a syntax extension to JS, is similar to a template language, but with JavaScript) that visually and functionally represents the component itself. Take a closer look at the code. It’s like a mix of HTML with some tags that were imported earlier from Reactstrap. They are organized in such way that needs to be correctly nested and receive the proper properties. Like in the case of <NavbarToggler> and <Collapse> components which rely on both the toggle function and isOpen property respectively, and previously set. The first determines which function must be called for every click on the toggle icon of the navbar, and the second gets the boolean state value that it’ll use to apply the correct style for open/closed states. Normal HTML tags are also present, but they are also JSX-like components. For example, notice the declaration of the class name of the <img> component: className. This is JSX.
  8. Lastly, you must export the component. The name here doesn’t need to be the same as your class, but it’s the one you’ll use when importing your component outside of this class.

It’s also important to remember that React will make sure to recall the render() function every time the state is changed.

Listing 7 shows the footer component code.

Listing 7. Second React component: AppFooter.js

import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
class AppFooter extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <Fragment>
            <hr className="featurette-divider" />
            <footer style= className="navbar fixed-bottom">
                <p className="float-right"><a href="/">Back to the Top</a></p>
                <p>© 2019 Simple-Talk, Inc. · <a href="/">Term and Conditions</a></p>
export default AppFooter;

This one is simpler. It doesn’t make use of any state manipulation nor JavaScript functions. It’s basically HTML and inline style via JSX syntax. However, notice that you’re importing a new React element: Fragment. This is an important shortcut for encapsulating coding in React. In other words, the render() function expects to receive a root element that encloses all the other inner elements; otherwise you’ll see a syntax error. In other times, you’d need to use a <div> boilerplate tag to do this, but not anymore. <Fragment> will do the job without having to insert useless HTML tags into the page.

Before running the example, you need to change the index.js and App.js files. For instance, every React application starts by a single index.js file placed at the root of the app that’ll make some initial configs and call the hierarchy of mounted components. Have a look at the final index.js content at Listing 8.

Listing 8. index.js file.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import App from './App';
import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
// If you want your app to work offline and load faster, you can change
// unregister() to register() below. Note this comes with some pitfalls.
// Learn more about service workers:

Notice that React also makes a call to its render() function, passing the root element of the whole application, in this case, <App>. But who’s App? Precisely, the App.js that is also already preset into the src folder (its code is in Listing 9 below). Finally, observe the import of the bootstrap.mim.css to make sure the styling will be correctly applied.

Listing 9. App.js content.

import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
import AppHeader from './components/AppHeader';
import AppFooter from './components/AppFooter';
class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return <Fragment>
      <AppHeader />
      <AppFooter />
export default App;

App components import the two previously implemented components and mount them into another Fragment. And that’s it. Issue the npm start command again and see what happens to your view (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Home page with Reactstrap header and footer.

Now, it’s time to get started with the body page content. However, instead of going directly to the table implementation or the fetching the data from the back-end, you’ll begin with the modal component that’ll be responsible for getting the form data information from the user, just like shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Modal with form data.

Why this? This is a bottom-up strategy to help you understand the details from a more fine-grained perspective.

For instance, the same form will be used for both adding and editing information of a user. That’ll simplify the code and allow reuse of components. Before diving in, create a new folder /constants at the same level of /components folder. Inside of it, create an index.js file and place the following content into it:

export const USERS_API_URL = 'https://localhost:5001/api/users';

This will be the constant of the API address. Then, create a new folder into /components called /form, to store the components related to form manipulation. Inside, create two new files: RegistrationForm.js and RegistrationModal.js. Listing 10 shows the code for the first one.

Listing 10. Creating the RegistrationForm.js file.

import React from 'react';
import { Button, Form, FormGroup, Input, Label } from 'reactstrap';
import { USERS_API_URL } from '../../constants';
class RegistrationForm extends React.Component {
    state = {
        id: 0,
        name: '',
        document: '',
        email: '',
        phone: ''
    componentDidMount() {
        if (this.props.user) {
            const { id, name, document, email, phone } = this.props.user
            this.setState({ id, name, document, email, phone});
    onChange = e => {
        this.setState({ []: })
    submitNew = e => {
        fetch(`${USERS_API_URL}`, {
            method: 'post',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            body: JSON.stringify({
                document: this.state.document,
            .then(res => res.json())
            .then(user => {
            .catch(err => console.log(err));
    submitEdit = e => {
        fetch(`${USERS_API_URL}/${}`, {
            method: 'put',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            body: JSON.stringify({
                document: this.state.document,
            .then(() => {
            .catch(err => console.log(err));
    render() {
        return <Form onSubmit={this.props.user ? this.submitEdit : this.submitNew}>
                <Label for="name">Name:</Label>
                <Input type="text" name="name" onChange={this.onChange} value={ === '' ? '' :} />
                <Label for="document">Document:</Label>
                <Input type="text" name="document" onChange={this.onChange} value={this.state.document === null ? '' : this.state.document} />
                <Label for="email">Email:</Label>
                <Input type="email" name="email" onChange={this.onChange} value={ === null ? '' :} />
                <Label for="phone">Phone:</Label>
                <Input type="text" name="phone" onChange={this.onChange} value={ === null ? '' :}
                    placeholder="+1 999-999-9999" />
export default RegistrationForm;

First, consider the React imports. Here, you’re making use of Reactstrap form components. Then, comes the state definition: just single properties representing each one of the inputs in the user registration form.

The function componentDidMount() is new: it is invoked immediately after a component is mounted (inserted into the tree), which is good because the user props will be passed down to this component as a property (available through this.props snippet). The props are like params of a function in JavaScript, but in this case, as params from one component to another. The code is checking for its existence, which will mean that it’s an editing action; otherwise consider it just a new registration. If the user is present, extract its props and set them to the current state. You may already guess why. Yes, it’s because they need to fill the inputs before the modal opens.

The onChange() function is a simple function to receive an onChange event and change the component state accordingly.

The submitNew() function will handle the onSubmit event, specifically on calling the API to submit a new user. Notice the reliance on the Fetch API to make the HTTP calls, but feel free to use whichever library in which you feel comfortable. The function code is very intuitive by itself. Notice that at the end, it gets the json response data and sends it to the function addUserToState() (which is not implemented in this component, since this comes within the props object). The toggle() is another function implemented later, so don’t worry about it now.

The submitEdit() function will do practically the exact same things as submitNew(), except for the API endpoint and the response dealing function, this time updateUserIntoState().

Finally, the render function is prepared to identify whether the user comes within the props or not and places the correct submit function to the <Form> component. Based on this, if the state of the component was previously set with the user’s info, then the value of each input will be filled correspondently.

Great! Next stop is the RegistrationModal component which will import the form and hold the rules for its exhibition. Look at the Listing 11 for its code.

Listing 11. Creating the RegistrationModal.js file.

import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
import { Button, Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody } from 'reactstrap';
import RegistrationForm from './RegistrationForm';
class RegistrationModal extends Component {
    state = {
        modal: false
    toggle = () => {
        this.setState(previous => ({
            modal: !previous.modal
    render() {
        const isNew = this.props.isNew;
        let title = 'Edit User';
        let button = '';
        if (isNew) {
            title = 'Add User';
            button = <Button
        } else {
            button = <Button
        return <Fragment>
            <Modal isOpen={this.state.modal} toggle={this.toggle} className={this.props.className}>
                <ModalHeader toggle={this.toggle}>{title}</ModalHeader>
                        user={this.props.user} />
export default RegistrationModal;

Way more straightforward than the form component, this one has its own toggle() function (the one called in the previous listing) to be passed as a props function. It simply toggles the state of the boolean modal state attribute every time an HTTP call is finished in order to close the modal automatically.

Here, you’re also receiving values via props from the outer components that call it. In this case, isNew will tell if the user is a new one or an existing one, which is essential information for determining which form state will be presented. Also, you can use this info to change the labels of the button, for example. It can be either an Add or Edit labeled button. Notice how you’re also applying the class of the modal based on another property passed via props. The rest of the code is just filling the blanks of each property needed by a RegistrationModal.

This is good until now, but you need to move forward to the next two components that’ll close the implementation: DataTable.js and Home.js. The DataTable component, as you may guess, is the one who’s going to store the table with the list of users fetched from the back-end.

Listing 12. Creating the DataTable.js file.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Table, Button } from 'reactstrap';
import RegistrationModal from './form/RegistrationModal';
import { USERS_API_URL } from '../constants';
class DataTable extends Component {
  deleteItem = id => {
    let confirmDeletion = window.confirm('Do you really wish to delete it?');
    if (confirmDeletion) {
      fetch(`${USERS_API_URL}/${id}`, {
        method: 'delete',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        .then(res => {
        .catch(err => console.log(err));
  render() {
    const items = this.props.items;
    return <Table striped>
      <thead className="thead-dark">
          <th style=>Actions</th>
        {!items || items.length <= 0 ?
            <td colSpan="6" align="center"><b>No Users yet</b></td>
          : => (
            <tr key={}>
              <th scope="row">
              <td align="center">
                    updateUserIntoState={this.props.updateState} />
                  <Button color="danger" onClick={() => this.deleteItem(}>Delete</Button>
export default DataTable;

The first function of the component is the deleteItem(), which will perform an HTTP call for deleting a user. The id is received as a param, and the function deleteItemFromState() (shown later) will be called as soon as the request completes.

Note that the render function is receiving a prop called items from the outer component with the list of users to iterate and show into the table. For the <tbody>, it first checks for the absence of any item into the list and then shows a corresponding message of “No Users yet”, otherwise, the list will be iterated and, at the Actions column, each item will have a <RegistrationModal> imported along with a button for items deletion.

Pay attention to how React makes use of its componentization style to make it simple to reuse components and reference them from the others.

Listing 13 shows the code of the Home.js component.

Listing 13. Creating the Home.js file.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Col, Container, Row } from 'reactstrap';
import DataTable from './DataTable';
import RegistrationModal from './form/RegistrationModal';
import { USERS_API_URL } from '../constants';
class Home extends Component {
  state = {
    items: []
  componentDidMount() {
  getItens = () => {
      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(res => this.setState({ items: res }))
      .catch(err => console.log(err));
  addUserToState = user => {
    this.setState(previous => ({
      items: [...previous.items, user]
  updateState = (id) => {
  deleteItemFromState = id => {
    const updated = this.state.items.filter(item => !== id);
    this.setState({ items: updated })
  render() {
    return <Container style=>
          <h3>My First React + ASP.NET CRUD React</h3>
            deleteItemFromState={this.deleteItemFromState} />
          <RegistrationModal isNew={true} addUserToState={this.addUserToState} />
export default Home;

Here are some assumptions to analyze:

  • The state will have an array of items (the users) to manipulate throughout the app use;
  • Once the component mounts, it fetches the list of users from the API (getItens function);
  • The getItens() function will make a GET request, convert the response to json, set it to the current state, or log any error if it happens;
  • The addUserToState() function (which you’ve seen called before) will receive a user and add it to the current state;
  • The updateState() function will also fetch the items from the server, but note that it’s receiving the id as a param, that you can use to update it just into the state list, if you want;
  • The deleteItemFromState() function will receive the id to perform the user’s corresponding deletion from the current state;
  • The render() function is just a summary of a simple JSX content for building the <DataTable> and <RegistrationModal> components into Bootstrap row/column structures.

You still need to add the <Home> component to the main one, <App>:

render() {
    return <Fragment>
      <AppHeader />
      <Home />
      <AppFooter />

Finally, don’t forget to import the new Home component at the top of the file:

import Home from './components/Home';

Once the application is refreshed in the browser, and if the API is not running, this is the screen you’ll see:

Figure 6. Table of users with no entries.


That’s it. Go ahead, run the API and test the interface it by yourself, making sure to verify if Reacstrap made it responsive for you as well.

This was just a brief intro around the universe of React and how you can connect it, not only with ASP.NET based APIs, but with any type of API. Some details, like the Cors configs, are essential to make sure they can communicate with each other.

You can also check the full source code here. Good studies!


The post Creating ASP.NET Apps with React appeared first on Simple Talk.

from Simple Talk

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

SQL in the City Streamed next week!

I don’t know when I first heard about Redgate, but it might have been in 2005 when Steve Jones asked me to review their product, SQL Backup, for SQL Server Central. It was quite the coincidence when my manager asked me a few weeks later if I had heard of SQL Backup and would I like to switch to that backup solution. (We did begin using it!) Lots of other folks have been using SQL Compare or SQL Prompt for years, and they usually tell me about how they love these products when I talk to them at events.

Redgate software is turning 20 years old! To celebrate, we are hosting a special edition of SQL in the City Streamed on September 4th. There will be surprises and lots of fun, so be sure to register. I may be wearing the costume of one of my sci-fi heroes, and you don’t want to miss that!

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Once upon a time a SQL Server version that hadn’t row locks. The minimal level of lock was page lock, every time you want to lock a record, an entire page was locked.

page splitAt that time we were between the devil and the deep sea: if we choose a clustered index with an ascending key we would create what was called a Hot Spot, all the records would be inserted on the same page, creating a bottleneck. On the other hand, if we create a clustered index with a non-ascending key, we would suffer from index fragmentation and page splits, having huge admin trouble to find out the correct fill factor for each index in order to support the period between the re-index job without too many page splits.

When SQL Server 7 was launched (we haven’t arrived in the year 2000 yet, be patient, please), finally we got the row locks we so much dreamed about! With them, the hot spots were gone and creating a clustered index with ascending key became best practice to avoid index fragmentation, page splits and a lot of admin tasks.

page latch

Underneath, the active pages were cached in memory, during a transaction the update was happening in memory (until the commit, which forces the log flush), and the concurrency started to be in the memory. A new server monster was released: PAGELATCH_EX . It’s not a lock, it’s internal SQL concurrency for the use of a resource, in this case, a page. Way lighter than the locks and hot spots we had before SQL Server 7. However, the bottleneck was still there. Lighter, impossible to notice in small workloads, but it was there.

Using our time machine, we can jump to SQL Server 2014. The internet and the increase in the amount of data were making the bottleneck visible again, so Microsoft created an alternative: In-Memory tables. The in-memory tables totally eliminated the latches, but the limitations were high, the first versions not even accepted a table with foreign keys. It was more a feature to be used for data ingestion than for the main tables.

Now, in 2019, Microsoft decides to teach us a bit more about this bottleneck while also improve some workloads that may be suffering from it. What in the past was called hot spot, today is called last page insert contention.

Microsoft is now addressing a problem called convey: sometimes the active thread takes more time to release the latch on the last page then it should. Threads doing some extra work, or the moment of the creation of a new page (which is also called page split), or other activities make a change on the throughput of the data.

For us, the technical solution is simple: if we suffer from this problem, we can apply the option OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY on an index and that’s it, the magic is done.

Underneath what’s happening is an unfair thread distribution: SQL Server tries to identify if one thread will keep the page latch for more time than it should and if that’s the case, leave this thread for last, trying to keep a constant throughput on the data insertion.

Sometimes history teaches us. Hot Spot’s, PAGELATCH_EX, conveys, different levels of the same problem.

You can read a lot more about OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY, conveys and all the details you can find here

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from Simple Talk

Thursday, August 22, 2019

PowerShell and Secure Strings

One of the more common problems I’ve faced with a particular client is setting up data extractions from outside sources such as SFTP servers. Since this client deals with PII data, it’s essential that this is done in as a secure manner as possible. For example, all connections need to be encrypted using protocols such as SFTP instead of FTP.

Securely connecting is particularly easy to accomplish if one uses a 3rd party module such as Posh-SSH. However, you are still stuck with the problem of logging into the remote SFTP server securely.

For this article, I will be using snippets of code from Posh-SSH, but I will not be diving deep into the actual usage of Posh-SSH. I recommend you download the module from the above link and learn about it yourself. Perhaps in the future, I’ll write a complete article on using Posh-SSH, but the focus of this one will be on using Secure Strings.

A typical SFTP connection using Posh-SSH may look like:

New-SFTPSession -ComputerName ""

If you run the above command, which includes a valid SFTP server name, you’ll get a dialog box that asks for a username and password. For this test site, you can use the username of demo and the password password. This works great if you want to do an interactive session with the SFTP server, but this doesn’t help with automation. In most cases, you need to automate this process and find a way to pass the username and password to the cmdlet.

Looking closely at the New-SFTPSession cmdlet syntax, you will see there is a parameter, Credential, that appears to be useful. The first trick is in creating a valid credential object. To get there, take a look at the cmdlet Get-Credential. By changing your code to the following, you get one step closer, but you are still prompted for the username and password.

$sftpServername = ''
$Credential =Get-Credential
$session = New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $sftpServername -Credential $Credential
# do some stuff here
Remove-SFTPSession -SessionId $session.Sessionid

You may want to add AcceptKey as a parameter to the New-SFTPSession Cmdlet to run this in non-interactive mode, or it will again hang waiting for a response to the dialog box asking if you want to accept the key from the remote server.

You’ll notice that I’ve added a $session object to capture information about the SFTP session being created. Part of the reason is so that you can properly close the session when you’re done with it as shown in the last line using the Remove-SFTPSession cmdlet.

You are now a step closer, as you can pass a valid credential object to the New-SFTPSession cmdlet, but you are still being prompted for it. Next, I’ll show you how to encode the password directly in the script.

$sftpUsername = 'demo'
$sftpPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'password' -AsPlainText -Force
$sftpServername = ''
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($sftpUsername, $sftpPassword)
$session = New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $sftpServername -Credential $Credential
# do some stuff here
Remove-SFTPSession -SessionId $session.Sessionid

If you run the above script with the provided username, password and SFTP server, you’ll see it automatically creates the session without prompting you for any information. This is a huge leap forward.

There are two key parts to this. The first one is the New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential. This cmdlet takes the username and password and creates a credential object. This credential object then can be used by the New-SFTPSession cmdlet.

My first inclination was to pass in a normal string to both the username and password, and indeed, a standard string for the username actually works. However, if you try passing in a normal string as the password, you’ll get an error.

This message is not very helpful. Fortunately, the authors of PowerShell had security in mind and essentially force you to be secure. The trick is, PSCredential requires a secure string for the password.

This is why you see the cmdlet ConvertTo-SecureString as the second line in the above script. To understand what this does, it is worth checking out the help on this cmdlet. The easiest way to do this, of course, is via the command

get-help -ShowWindow ConvertTo-SecureString

This command will pop up the following window

The key here is the second example in the syntax where it shows the parameters of –AsPlainText and –Force. You will need to use both. As the synopsis states, Converts encrypted standard strings to secure strings. It can also convert plain text to secure strings. Normally this cmdlet expects an encrypted string, which is not what you are passing to it, but it can be forced to take a plaintext string and convert it to a secure string. That’s what happens in the above script.

You’re now a step closer. You have a script you can save and run as needed. However, as you’re probably worried about, the secure password is now embedded as plaintext in your script. This means anyone with access to that script now has access to the password which is far from ideal.

The obvious next step then is to somehow create an encrypted password and to use that. To do this, I will assume that it’s ok to interactively enter the plain text password once.

read-host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:UserName.txt

I will break this apart a bit. The setting of the $LocalFilePath is pretty simple. In production, I obviously would not use a temporary location. Where you chose to store the resulting file will depend on your specific needs.

The second line, however, is a bit more interesting. The read-host cmdlet waits for the user to input text. Note, if you run it without the AsSecureString it may appear to hang. In actuality, it will merely wait until you type some text and press enter. This text may be visible on the screen. When you use the AsSecureString it will give you a dialog box which will use dots to mask what you type in.

Once the cmdlet gets the string you’ve entered, it will pipe the output to ConvertFrom-SecureString. If you run just those two parts read-host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString you will get output similar to the following:

ConvertFrom-SecureString does the opposite of what ConvertTo-SecureString does. It will take a secure string and convert it to an encrypted string. Note that a secure string is simply a string that is masked so it can’t be read on the screen. It’s not actually encrypted. Don’t mistake secure for encrypted.

Finally, the script takes the output from ConvertFrom-SecureString and pipe it to Out-File $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:UserName.txt


You will note that the filename is based on my environment variable UserName. This is important for reasons I will explain in a moment. If you run the above, and look in the directory you set in the $LocalFilePath (which above is set to C:\temp), you will see a file name similar to cred_gregmoore.txt. If you try to read that file, you will see it contains the encrypted string created above.

Finally, you have the encrypted password stored in a file. This is a huge step because it means that you only need to enter the password once, in a secure fashion (i.e. no one looking over your shoulder will see the actual password; they will just see the dots in the dialog box prompting for it.)

The next step is to use that now encrypted password in the connection. That’s fairly simple to do:

$password = get-content $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:UserName.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($sftpUSerName, $Password)

The second line retrieves the encrypted password you created and converts it to a Secure String. Even then, the string is still not readable by anyone. If you try to read the $password variable’s value, you will see:

The third line in the script above passes that Secure String to the cmdlet creating the credential. After this, you can run the following:

$session = New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $sftpServername -Credential $Credential
# do some stuff here
Remove-SFTPSession -SessionId $session.Sessionid

Congratulations, you now have a secure way of running a script to connect to your SFTP server. The above scripts can be used to pass credentials to other internet services, but that’s beyond the scope of this article, other than to say that the above technique will work for anything using a $Credential object.

I will admit, I was quite happy with the above solution until I tried to put it into production running as a scheduled task. Then it simply wouldn’t work. It took me a while to figure out a fundamentally simple reason that was obvious in hindsight.

First, I checked the help on ConvertTo-SecureString

get-help -ShowWindow ConvertTo-SecureString

The help information was not super helpful, though it was interesting to learn the various options. The reason the script failed in production was that I wanted to run the entire script as a scheduled task with a service account. After some experimentation, I realized that when the scheduled task was set up to log in as me, the script ran fine. However, when I ran it as the service account my customer uses for scheduled tasks, it would fail but in no obvious way.

To troubleshoot, I did what any decent programmer would do; I added some lines to print out debug information.

At the time, I was using a line more like:

$password = get-content $LocalFilePath\sftp_password.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString

The goal was to use the same file I had created when I ran the script manually. Even though I was using a service account, the password needed for the SFTP service is the same no matter which account is running the script.

Now at this point, an astute reader is probably guessing what the problem is. For those who haven’t quite figured it out, I will say my debugging showed that the script ran fine up to that point but failed on that particular line.

It took me a bit to realize that the PowerShell creators were smarter than me and that the ConvertTo-SecureString and ConvertFrom-SecureString cmdlets based their encryption key on the identity of the user logged in. In hindsight, this, of course, made perfect sense when I thought about it. It allows me to encrypt a string and save it to a file but prevents anyone else from reading the same file and decrypting the same string. A system wouldn’t be very secure if anyone could come along and decrypt files that others had encrypted.

My solution was to brute-force the password into a secure string and then into an encrypted string. This involves running a script to create an encrypted file. The key is a block of script like the following:

if (-not (test-path $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:UserName.txt))
    read-host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:UserName.txt
    "Setting Password first time for $env:UserName" | out-file $LocalFilePath\app_log.txt -append

Note a couple of things in this block of code:

  • The filename has a prefix of cred_ (short for credential) and the name of the user setting the credential file. This convention helps administrators keep track of who has created credential files.
  • The credential file will be stored in the directory set by $LocalFilePath, in this case, C:\temp, but on production, it should be someplace else.
  • The snippet above is written to be run in an interactive mode, i.e., the user will be presented with a dialog box to type in the password. This will then create the appropriate credential file for them. This file then gets used later when I want to create my SFTP session.

For this to work for a service account, the admin, such as myself either has to log in as that service account and run the script and enter the appropriate password. If that is not possible, for example, you are not allowed to log in as the service account, but you can run the following script to create the file in a scheduled task running as that user:

# Set Service Account Password Script
# Remember to remove the plain-text password after running this under the service account 
if (-not (test-path $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:UserName.txt ))
    "password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:Username.txt
    "Setting Password first time for $env:UserName" | out-file $LocalFilePath\app_log.txt -append
  • Once the script is run once as the service account in question, remove the script with the plain-text password or edit it to remove the plain-test password.
  • You’ll note as a good programmer, I’m logging this step.

Using a script like this is far from the only way to handle the issue. The important point to keep in mind is that when running as a scheduled task, as a service account, it is the service account that somehow has to create its own credential file. You can use alternative methods; this is just the one I happen to use.

So now that there is a secure way of storing the password on the disk, here’s a script with all the pieces together. A simple script might look something like this:

# To set the password for a Service Account, run the Set Service Account Password Script before running this one! Otherwise, this will hang since it expects user input.

# To set password interactively, run this script as is:
if (-not (test-path $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:UserName.txt))
    read-host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:UserName.txt
    "Setting Password first time for $env:UserName" | out-file $LocalFilePath\app_log.txt -append

$sftpUsername = 'demo'
$password = get-content $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:UserName.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($sftpUSerName, $Password) 
$sftpServername = ''
$session = New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $sftpServername -Credential $Credential
# do some stuff here
Remove-SFTPSession -SessionId $session.Sessionid 
    $exception = $_.Exception.Message
    "Error in New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $sftpURL -Credential $Credential" | out-file $LocalFilePath\app_log.txt -append 
Remove-SFTPSession -SessionId $session.SessionId

With that, you should have the framework to securely access your SFTP server without having to save a password in plaintext anywhere on the disk. And with a slight modification, you can also make this work for service accounts, albeit with briefly storing the password as plaintext before deleting it.

One final addendum, if the SFTP password ever changes, you need to delete the credential file you created and rerun the Service Account Password script under the service account credentials and with the new password embedded in the script. Just remember to delete the password itself from the script when done.



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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Goodbye to the Microsoft Professional Program

I’ve worked with Microsoft technologies for over 20 years and, during that time, earned a good income to support my family and have a comfortable life. Despite that, Microsoft manages to break my heart again and again. Take the sad saga of the Windows Phone. I was working for Microsoft when the first Windows Phones arrived in the US in 2010, and we were expected to buy one. This was my first modern-day smartphone, but even before that, I used Windows Mobile phones like the Moto Q. I had to give up my Windows Phone for an Android two years ago when the lack of apps continued to diminish the usefulness of the phone. This was about the same time that Microsoft announced that they had abandoned the platform. My new Android phone is great, but I still miss my old Window Phone.

I was also a big fan of the Microsoft Band 2, a smartwatch. I happened to be at a conference in Seattle when they arrived in stores in 2015 and quickly purchased one at the Microsoft Store in Bellevue. The functionality of the device was terrific, and Microsoft even provided an SDK for writing your own apps. Unfortunately, the Band 2 was made to last about six months before malfunctioning or disintegrating. (I managed to get mine replaced twice during the one-year warranty period.) I had hoped that Microsoft would figure out a way to get the devices to hold up longer, but, unfortunately, they decided to abandon the line.

Even though I know that technology (and everything else) is constantly changing, my heart was broken once again last week as Microsoft announced the retirement of the Microsoft Professional Program (MPP) at the end of this year. The MPP is a certificate program with nine separate tracks ranging from Data Science to Cybersecurity to Entry Level Software Development. The courses feature recordings, practice labs, exams, forums, and a capstone project.

I completed several of the courses in the Data Science track in 2017 and learned so much that I started presenting a session at SQL Saturdays and other events called Azure Machine Learning 101 based on one of the courses. I’ve been promoting the MPP at each presentation and pointing people to the program when they ask me where to get training to be a developer, for example.

The FAQ page for the retirement announcement states that they “decided to take the best of the Microsoft Professional Program and apply it to a program where you can earn a technical certification when you complete your coursework.” Instead of the MPP, they are directing people to Microsoft Learn. At the time of this writing, there are 648 modules that you can take for free on Microsoft Learn that can help you prepare for traditional (MSCE, for example) or new role-based certifications.

Since the announcement, I’ve completed several of the Data Science and DevOps modules in the new platform. The modules are short and closely mapped to the functionality found in Azure. Even if you are not looking to earn a certification, they might be an excellent way to learn about a feature or technology that you are trying to figure out.

Just like my Android phone, I like the new online training. I’ll even promote it during my machine leaning presentation, but maybe I won’t get so attached this time.


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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Customizable Characters in Unity

The ability to change the appearance of the player-controlled character is practically a staple of video games. Some will argue that the appearance of the character is more important than the statistics or personalities of the characters themselves. A player often wants to put themselves in the game’s world, and the outward appearance of the one they are controlling is often the first way to accomplish this task. Creating the art for the character is most of the work itself, but of course, programmers have to develop the tools for the user to take advantage of it. As it turns out, developing those tools is easier than you may think.

This project will demonstrate how a character creator is made as well as how the character can retain its attributes from one scene to the next. As you may have guessed, there are several parts to the character creator itself, so this article will focus on the code to save time. That said, an overview will still be done to give you an idea of how the project will look and function once it’s complete. If you wish to follow along, you can download a version of the project without code. Also, there is a code completed project you can refer to as well.

The Project

To open a pre-existing project, you will first open Unity and click Open.

Figure 1: Opening a project

After this, navigate to the folder containing the project. Select the folder with the Unity project within it, then click the Select Folder button that appears in the bottom right. Once this is done, the project will begin loading. Keep in mind that you may have to navigate lower into another folder before finding the correct directory that Unity can open.

Figure 2: Selecting the project to be opened.

Once loaded, you’ll be greeted with a project that looks like the figure below:

Figure 3: The character creator project

The screen won’t appear this way when testing the project in full-screen mode. This appearance is due to the way Unity is currently drawing the user interface (UI) in the game view. Right away, you’ll see a very menu-based project with several buttons and a scrollbar. The buttons, in particular, were created from a single button that was duplicated multiple times. Once all buttons are created in this manner, all that remains is adjusting their position, size, and image. There are an input field and a button saying “to next scene” on the right side of the screen. In the middle behind the UI objects is the user’s character, ready to be customized. The assets being used for the character come from the Custom Character 2D Vol. 1 asset from the Unity asset store. You can view these assets from its respective asset store page here.

Over in the Hierarchy, you can get a better idea of just how much is in the project. Expanding UI->CharacterCreatorBackground->OptionsContainer->Content reveals the different sections that the user will be able to change to their likings, such as the eyes and hairstyles. Expanding the different sections from there shows the individual buttons that make up each section. There’s a total of thirty-seven different buttons in the entire character creator menu!

Figure 4: List of objects.

The last items of note are the two different scenes given the precise names of SampleScene and New Scene. Currently, you’re looking at SampleScene. You can double-click New Scene found in the Scenes folder in the Assets window to check out what’s inside that area if you wish, but there isn’t much. A salmon pink color with some white text that appears unfinished is all that lies within this scene. When the project is complete, this scene will have the newly created character along with some new text to demonstrate persistence between scenes.

For now, it’s recommended to have SampleScene opened as that’s where most of the action will take place. Now that you’re familiar with all the pieces bringing the project together, it’s time to create the code that will make your character creator operate. In the Scripts folder, you’ll need to create three C# scripts. The names of these scripts are in the figure below:

Figure 5: All scripts

The CustomChar Script

CustomChar is an excellent place to begin as its purpose is to hold all the various pieces that make up the character. Update can be deleted or commented out as it will not be needed.

public SpriteRenderer hairBack;
public SpriteRenderer hairFront;
public SpriteRenderer ear;
public SpriteRenderer body;
public SpriteRenderer eyebrow;
public SpriteRenderer eye;
public SpriteRenderer mouth;
public SpriteRenderer effect;
public SpriteRenderer faceOption;
public string charName;
void Start()

Several SpriteRenderer variables are declared with a name that relates to what part of the customized character that’s being edited. For example, the ear variable will hold the character’s ear sprite. At the end of this list of variables is a string, called charName. This variable will contain the string the user inputs into the input field from earlier. In both of your scenes, some text will change to show the user’s name along with the remainder of a message. Finally, in the Start function, you have DontDestroyOnLoad called and given a target. When loading a new scene, all objects in the current scene would ordinarily get destroyed. If you wish for an object to persist throughout scenes, such as your custom character, then DontDestroyOnLoad will preserve this object and bring it into any new scene that is loaded.

The CustomChar script is now complete. UIManager is up next, and as you can imagine, it has a lot more going on, however, there are ways to simplify the coding process.

The UIManager Script

First, you’ll need to delete or comment out Start and Update. After that, you’ll also want to add using UnityEngine.UI and using UnityEngine.SceneManagement in order to perform certain tasks. Then you move on to the variable declaration:

private CustomChar cc;
public InputField nameInput;
public Text message;

You might think that some Sprite variables are missing for the different parts of the character, but what you’ll see later on is that the various button functions can take care of sprite assignment for you. While you can certainly create arrays to hold the different sprites, it would be far easier to give the function a parameter that you can fill in from the Unity Editor. What’s more, there’s no need to do one function for each button. You can instead create one function for each type of character part and let the parameter take care of the rest. The function will look like this:

public void HairBackAssign(Sprite selection)
        cc.hairBack.sprite = selection;

This particular function would be given to the buttons that deal with the character’s back hair. All it does is get the CustomChar script, get the correct SpriteRenderer from it, and assign that SpriteRenderer the selection Sprite. All the other buttons follow a similar pattern with some minor differences. Table 1 shows all the functions and the corresponding code for each function.

Table 1: All functions and their code

Function Name


HairBackAssign(Sprite selection)

cc.hairBack.sprite = selection;

HairFrontAssign(Sprite selection)

cc.hairFront.sprite = selection;

BodyAssign(Sprite selection)

cc.body.sprite = selection;

EarAssign(Sprite selection)

cc.ear.sprite = selection;

EyeAssign(Sprite selection)

cc.eye.sprite = selection;

EyebrowAssign(Sprite selection)

cc.eyebrow.sprite = selection;

MouthAssign(Sprite selection)

cc.mouth.sprite = selection;

Not all the button functions are complete though. There’s an extras section in the character creator which allows you to put glasses on the character and have them create a fireball. Where are the functions for those? They operate a little differently as neither the glasses or fireball have additional images that they could be. Instead, the buttons for those extras will enable or disable the item.

public void EffectOn()
        if (cc.effect.enabled == true)
                cc.effect.enabled = false;
                cc.effect.enabled = true;
public void FaceOptionOn()
        if (cc.faceOption.enabled == true)
                cc.faceOption.enabled = false;
                cc.faceOption.enabled = true;

The functions check if the sprite renderer for the fireball and the glasses is enabled or not. Depending on the answer it will reenable or disable the extras as needed. To complete the script, some assignments will need to be given to the button saying “to next scene” and the input field.

public void UpdateText()
        cc.charName = nameInput.text;
        message.text = "Hello! My name is... " + cc.charName;
public void ToNextScene()
        SceneManager.LoadScene("New Scene");

UpdateText, unlike all the other functions in this script, will be called every time the value of the input field changes. This is being done so you can watch the text in the same scene update in real-time. It also will assign the text in the input field to the charName variable in CustomChar. The final function, ToNextScene, calls SceneManager to load New Scene. Speaking of New Scene, there’s one final script that needs coding for the code of this project to be complete.

The NewLevelText Script

Open the NewLevelText script, remove or comment out Update, add using UnityEngine.UI to the top, then enter the following:

private Text levelText;
void Start()
        string character = GameObject.Find("Character").GetComponent<CustomChar>().charName;
        levelText = GetComponent<Text>();
        levelText.text = "Greetings! I am " + character + ", and I hope you have a wonderful day!";

Used in New Scene, this script will find the character you create, get the CustomChar script and get charName. Then NewLevelText gets the Text component of the object to which it’s attached. Finally, it updates the level’s message to include the character’s name.

Save the code in Visual Studio and head back to Unity.

Completing the Project

Perhaps the most important script in the entire project goes to the Manager object. With the object selected, click and drag UIManager into the Inspector window to attach the script.

Figure 6: Attaching the UIManager component to the Manager object.

You should also do the same for the Character object and the CustomChar script.

Back at the Manager object, assign Character to cc, NameInput to UIManager’s NameInput, and MyNameIs to Message.

Figure 7: Assigning component fields

Next, you’ll need to tell Unity of all the different sprite renderers that make up the character. Expand the Character object in the Hierarchy, followed by expanding the Face child object to get all the different parts of the character. Then, with Character selected, click and drag all the different character parts into their respective fields in the CustomChar component.

Figure 8: Assigning the various character pieces to their respective fields.

Now comes the assignment of functions to UI elements. Starting with the NameInput field, find the On Value Changed event in the Input Field component within the Inspector window. Once located, click and drag the Manager object into the Object field. From there, select the button currently saying No Function. From the drop-down menu that appears, navigate to UIManager->UpdateText().

Figure 9: The function assigned to the input field’s On Value Changed event.

Similarly, you’ll need to give ToNextScene the ToNextScene function by finding the button’s Button component looking for the OnClick event. Once again, drag in Manager. This time look for the ToNextScene function.

All that remains after this is to assign all the character creator buttons to their respective functions as well as fill in the required parameter. Given the large number of buttons to work with a table will be provided showing the different buttons, the function to use, and which sprite to use for each button. But first, a quick example of how to handle these assignments as well as where to find the images in the first place.

First, you should navigate to the sprites to be used. In the Assets folder, navigate to Custom Character_Vol 1->png->character. From here, there are several folders corresponding to the various character pieces. Going into any of these folders will reveal the sprites you’ll need to fill parameters. Be aware that some of the files come as individual sprites while others are sprite sheets which are files with multiple images in a single file that get separated in Unity. Like with child objects in the Hierarchy, in these cases, you’ll need to expand the sheet to find the individual images.

Figure 10: Comparison of sprites with and without sprite sheet.

As for assigning functions to buttons, it’s the same as the ToNextScene button as before but with an additional step. Once again, you’ll set Manager as the object in the On Click event followed by selecting the correct function. After that, a field will appear below the function drop-down menu asking for a sprite. Click and drag an image from the Assets window into this field to complete the button. Look for the buttons in the Hierarchy at UI  CharacterCreatorBackground  OptionsContainer  Content.

Figure 11 uses the BodyOption1 button as an example.

Figure 11: BodyOption1 button being given a function and sprite.

Using the table below, assign the character creator buttons to the correct functions and make sure they use the correct sprite. The codeless version of the project may fill the sprites in automatically after assigning the button function. This is due to some changes I made to the project before uploading it to GitHub. Though convenient, it is recommended you at least check the correct sprite is being used. It is also worth noting that the below table will specify if the sprite is found within a sprite sheet. Note that the button objects found in Extras will not need a sprite. This will also be specified in the table.

Table 2: All character creator buttons, their functions, and sprites.

Button Object



























































eye_4 (found in eye sprite sheet)



eye_5 (found in eye sprite sheet)



eye_6 (found in eye sprite sheet)



eye_7 (found in eye sprite sheet)



eye_8 (found in eye sprite sheet)



eye_0 (found in eye sprite sheet)



eye_1 (found in eye sprite sheet)



eye_2 (found in eye sprite sheet)



eye_3 (found in eye sprite sheet)



mouth_0 (found in mouth sprite sheet)



mouth_1 (found in mouth sprite sheet)



mouth_2 (found in mouth sprite sheet)



mouth_3 (found in mouth sprite sheet)



mouth_4 (found in mouth sprite sheet)



mouth_5 (found in mouth sprite sheet)



mouth_6 (found in mouth sprite sheet)



mouth_7 (found in mouth sprite sheet)







Save your work. Go into New Scene by double-clicking the name in the Scene folder in the Assets. Find the Text object under Canvas. Once found, attach the NewLevelText component to it. After you finish that, save the scene and go back back to SampleScene and give the character creator a try.

Figure 12: Character created in the previous scene persists into the new scene with DontDestroyOnLoad.


The two main takeaways from this project come from the button functions and DontDestroyOnLoad. Both simple items but can make game development much easier, especially when it comes to the more complex tasks like a character creator. Using parameters helped lower the number of lines in the code and kept everything tidy. DontDestroyOnLoad demonstrated the simplest way to have an object persist between scenes, thus eliminating the need to rebuild complex objects each time it’s required. All of this was shown in the context of character creators, but it could be used in other places such as stat keeping and tracking decisions the user makes.

The post Customizable Characters in Unity appeared first on Simple Talk.

from Simple Talk

Monday, August 19, 2019

Apache Spark for .NET Developers

Apache Spark is a fast, scalable data processing engine for big data analytics. In some cases, it can be 100x faster than Hadoop. Ease of use is one of the primary benefits, and Spark lets you write queries in Java, Scala, Python, R, SQL, and now .NET. The execution engine doesn’t care which language you write in, so you can use a mixture of languages or SQL to query data sets.

The goal of .NET for Apache Spark is to make Spark accessible from C# or F#. You can bring Spark functionality into your apps using the skills you already have.

The .NET implementation provides a full set of API’s that mirror the actual Spark API so that, excluding a few areas still under development, the complete set of Spark functionality is available from .NET.

Setting up Apache Spark on Windows

The .NET implementation still uses the Java VM, and so it isn’t a separate implementation of Spark that replaces Spark but sits on top of the Java runtime and interacts with it. You still need to have Java installed.

Spark is written in Scala and runs on a Java virtual machine so it can run on any platform including Windows. However, Windows does not have production support. The current version of Java that it supports is 1.8 (version 8).

Oracle has recently changed the way that they support their JDK in that you need to pay a license fee to run it in production. Oracle also released a version called OpenJDK that doesn’t have a license fee to pay when running in production. Spark can only run on Java 8 today and to run in a development environment doesn’t cost anything so you can use the Oracle JRE 8 for this article, if you will be using Spark in production then it is something you should investigate.

.NET for Apache Spark was released in April 2019 and is available as a download on NuGet, or you can build and run the source from GitHub.

Install a Java 8 Runtime

You can download the JRE from the Oracle site. You will need to create a free Oracle account to download.

I would strongly suggest getting the 64 bit JRE because the 32-bit version is going to be very limited for Spark. The specific download is jre-8u212-windows-x64.exe, although this will change when there are any more releases.

Install Java, my installation of Java was in C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_212 but take note of where your version is because you will need it later.

Download and Extract a Version of Spark

You can download Spark here. There are currently two versions of Spark that you can download, 2.3 or 2.4. The current .NET implementation supports both versions, but you do need to know which version you will be using. I would suggest downloading 2.4 at this point. The README for .NET spark shows which versions of Spark are supported, currently any 2.3.* version is supported or and of 2.4.0, 2.4.1, 2.4.3 but note that 2.4.2 is not supported so stay clear of that version.

At the time of this writing, the version of Spark supported by the current Microsoft.Spark is this version.

Once you have chosen the Spark version, you can select the package type, unless you want to compile Spark from source or use your own Hadoop implementation, then select the Pre-built for Apache Hadoop 2.7 and later and then download the tgz. Today, that is spark-2.4.3-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz.

Once it has downloaded, use 7-zip to extract the folder to a known location, c:\spark-2.4.3-bin-hadoop2.7, for example. Again, take note of where you extracted the Spark folder. My Spark folder looks like:

If you have something that looks like this, then you should be in good shape.

Download the Hadoop winutils.exe.

The last step is to download winutils, which is a helper for Hadoop on windows. You can download it from GitHub.

When you have downloaded winutils.exe, you need to put it in a folder called bin inside another folder. I use c:\Hadoop\bin, but as long as winutils.exe is in a folder called bin, you can put it anywhere.

Configure Environment Variables

The final step in configuring Spark is to create some environment variables. I have a script I run from a cmd prompt when I want to use them but can also set system environment variables if you wish. My script looks like this:

SET SPARK_HOME=c:\spark-2.4.1-bin-hadoop2.7
SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_212

What this script does is set SPARK_HOME to the location of the extracted Spark directory, set JAVA_HOME to the location of the JRE installation, set HADOOP_HOME to the name of the folder that contains the bin directory that winutils.exe is put in. Once the environment variables have been set, I add the bin folder from each to the PATH environment variable.

Testing Apache Spark on Windows

To check everything is set up correctly, check that the JRE is available and the correct version:

In a command window, run Java -version then spark-shell. If you have set up all the environment variables correctly you should see the Spark-shell start. The Spark-shell is a repl that lets you run scala commands to use Spark. Using the repl is a great way to experiment with data as you can read, examine, and process files:

When you are ready to continue, exit Spark-shell by typing :q. You use the spark-shell to check that Spark is working. To run a job later, you use something called spark-submit.

If you can start the Spark-shell, get a prompt and the cool Spark logo, then you should be ready to write a .NET application to use Spark.

Note, you may see a warning that says

NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-Hadoop library for your platform… using builtin-java classes where available

It is safe to ignore this; it means that you don’t have Hadoop running on your system. If this is a Windows machine, then that is highly likely.

The .NET Driver

The .NET driver is made up of two parts, and the first part is a Java JAR file which is loaded by Spark and then runs the .NET application. The second part of the .NET driver runs in the process and acts as a proxy between the .NET code and .NET Java classes (from the JAR file) which then translate the requests into Java requests in the Java VM which hosts Spark.

The .NET driver is added to a .NET program using NuGet and ships both the .NET library as well as two Java jars. One jar is for Spark 2.3 and one for Spark 2.4, and you do need to use the correct one on your installed version of Scala.

There was a breaking change to version 0.4 of the .NET driver, so when you use the driver, if you are using version 0.4 or higher then you need to use the package name org.apache.spark.deploy.dotnet and if you are on version 0.3 or less you should use org.apache.spark.deploy, note the extra dotnet at the end.

Your First Apache Spark Program

The .NET driver is compiled as .NET standard so you can use either the Windows .NET runtime or .NET core to create a Spark program. In this example, you will create a new .NET runtime (4.6) console application:

You will then add the .NET Spark driver from NuGet:

Select Microsoft.Spark. There was also an older implementation from Microsoft called Microsoft.SparkCLR but that has been superseded, so make sure you use the correct one. For this example, use Spark version 2.4.1 and the 0.2.0 NuGet package – these have been tested and work together.

When you add the NuGet package to the project, you should see in the packages folder the two Java jar’s which you will need later:

Execute Your First Program

For the first program, you will download a CSV from the UK government website which has all of the prices for houses sold in the last year. If the file URL has changed, then you can get to it from here after and searching “current month as CSV file”.

The program will read this file, sum the total cost of houses sold this month, and then display the results:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Spark.Sql;
namespace HousePrices
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var Spark = SparkSession
            var dataFrame = Spark.Read().Csv(args[0]);
            var sumDataFrame = dataFrame.Select(Functions.Sum(dataFrame.Col("_c1")));
            var sum = sumDataFrame.Collect().FirstOrDefault().GetAs<Double>(0);
            Console.WriteLine($"SUM: {sum}");

The first thing to do is to either use the sample project and build the project or create your own project and build it so you get an executable that you can call from Spark.

First, take a look at this code:

var Spark = SparkSession

Here you create the Spark session. The Spark session enables communication back with the .NET java code and through to Spark.

Next review:

var dataFrame = Spark.Read().Csv(args[0]);

Here the Spark session created above reads from a CSV file. Pass in the path to the CSV on the command line (args[0]). (I realise that you should validate if it exists.) Once the file has been read, the code will print out the schema and show the first 20 records.

Finally look at this code::

var sumDataFrame = dataFrame.Select(Functions.Sum(dataFrame.Col("_c1")));
       var sum = sumDataFrame.Collect().FirstOrDefault().GetAs<Double>(0);
       Console.WriteLine($"SUM: {sum}");

This will use the Sum function against the _c1 column (the price column), it will then select it into a new DataFrame (sumDataFrame) and then it iterates through the rows of the DataFrame. It selects the first row and then retrieves the value of the 0’th column and prints out the results.

To run this, instead of just pushing F5 in Visual Studio, you need to first run Spark and tell it to load the .NET driver and pass onto the .NET driver the name of the program to execute.

You will need these details to run the .NET app:




Environment Variable


Path to JRE install such as C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_212

Environment Variable


Path to the folder that contains a bin folder with winutils.exe inside such as c:\Hadoop

Environment Variable


The folder you extracted the contents of the downloaded spark (note that the file downloaded is a tar then gzipped file, so you need to un-gzip then un-tar the file)

The driver package name


For 0.3 and less the driver package is org.apache.spark.deploy and for 0.4 and greater it is org.apache.spark.deploy.dotnet

The full path to the built .net executable


I created my project in c:\git\simpletalk\dotnet\HousePrices so my full path is c:\git\simpletalk\dotet-spark\HousePrices\HousePrices\bin\Debug\HousePrices.exe

The full path to the jars that are included in the Microsoft.Spark NuGet package


Because I created my solution in c:\git\simpletalk\dotnet, my path is C:\git\simpletalk\dotet-spark\HousePrices\packages\Microsoft.Spark.0.2.0\jars\Microsoft-spark-2.4.x-0.2.0.jar
(Note it is the full path including the name of the jar, not the path to where the jars are located) If your NuGet package is version 0.0.3 or something else then the name of the jar will be more like: packages\Microsoft.Spark.0.3.0\jars\Microsoft-spark-2.4.x-0.3.0.jar – every change to the NuGet package will cause this version to change.

The full path to the downloaded house prices csv


In my example it is c:\users\ed\Downloads\pp-monthly-update-new-version.csv

In a command prompt that has these environment variables set, run the next command. (If you still have the spark-shell session open in your command prompt, close it using :q).

spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.deploy.DotnetRunner --master local "C:\git\simpletalk\dotet-spark\HousePrices\packages\Microsoft.Spark.0.2.0\jars\Microsoft-spark-2.4.x-0.2.0.jar" "c:\git\simpletalk\dotet-spark\HousePrices\HousePrices\bin\Debug\HousePrices.exe" "c:\users\ed\Downloads\pp-monthly-update-new-version.csv"

If your executable isn’t called HousePrices.exe, then replace that with the name of your program. When you build in Visual Studio, the output window should show the full path to your built executable. If you aren’t called “ed” then change the path to the CSV file, and if you decided to use Spark 2.3 rather than Spark 2.4, then change the version of the jar.

The Scala code looks in the current working directory and any child directories underneath it to find HousePrices.exe. To see how it does that, you can look at the function resolveDotnetExecutable. You can change the directory in your command prompt to your Visual Studio output directory and run it from there or be more specific in your command line.

Note also that the version of the jar increases with each version of Spark, and because the version is part of the filename, I used 0.3.0 for this article, but new versions are released quite regularly:

Spark-submit –class org.apache.spark.deploy.DotnetRunner --master local PathToMicrosoftSparkJar PathToYourProgram.exe PathToYourCsvFile.CSV

If you run the command line successfully you should see:

The interesting parts are the schema from dataFrame.PrintSchema():

The first twenty rows from dataFrame.Show():

Finally, the results of the Sum:

You may get a lot of Java IO exceptions such as:

To stop these, in your Spark folder there is a conf directory. In the conf directory, you will have a file add these lines to the end of the file:

If you don’t have a you should have a, copy it to

A Larger Example

The first example was very basic, and the file doesn’t contain column header, so they are set to _c0, _c1 etc. which isn’t ideal. Also, the output from PrintSchema shows that every column is a string.

The first this to do is to get Spark to infer the schema from the csv file, which you do by adding the option inferSchema when reading the csv. Change the line (line 15 in my program):

var dataFrame = Spark.Read().Csv(args[0]);


var dataFrame = Spark.Read().Option("inferSchema", true).Csv(args[0]);

Build your .net application and re-run the spark-submit command line which now causes PrintSchema() to show the actual data types:

Because you now know the data types, it goes on to break the GetAs<Double>(0) with an Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastExceptionL Specified cast is not valid so you also need to change the GetAs<double> to GetAs<long>, from:

var sum = sumDataFrame.Collect().FirstOrDefault().GetAs<Double>(0);


var sum = sumDataFrame.Collect().FirstOrDefault().GetAs<long>(0);

You can test that the program now completes by building in Visual Studio and re-running the spark-submit command line.

It would be good to have the correct column headers rather than _c0, to do this, read the data frame and then re-read the data frame passing in the headers – this doesn’t cause the data to be re-read or re-processed, so it is efficient. If you use this program which reads the data frame, prints the schema and then converts the data frame to a data frame with headers and re-prints the schema, you should see the original _c* column names and the corrected column names:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Spark.Sql;
namespace HousePrices
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var Spark = SparkSession
            var dataFrame = Spark.Read().Option("inferSchema", true).Csv(args[0]);
            dataFrame = dataFrame.ToDF("file_guid", "price", "date_str", "post_code", "property_type", "old_new", "duration", "paon", "saon", "street", "locality", "town", "district", "county", "ppd_Category_type", "record_type");

Build your .net application and then re-run your spark-submit command line and you should see the correct column names:

Going further, you can use the column names to filter the data. KENSINGTON AND CHELSEA is a beautiful part of London, see how much houses in that area cost to buy:

using System;
using Microsoft.Spark.Sql;
namespace HousePrices
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var Spark = SparkSession
            var dataFrame = Spark.Read().Option("inferSchema", true).Csv(args[0]);
            dataFrame = dataFrame.ToDF("file_guid", "price", "date_str", "post_code", "property_type", "old_new", "duration", "paon", "saon", "street", "locality", "town", "district", "county", "ppd_Category_type", "record_type");
            dataFrame = dataFrame.Where("district = 'KENSINGTON AND CHELSEA'");
            Console.WriteLine($"There are {dataFrame.Count()} properties in KENSINGTON AND CHELSEA");

Build the .net application and run the spark-submit command line and you should see something like:

In case you are struggling with the amount of output, you can hide the Info messages by going back to the file located in the extracted spark directory and the conf folder inside that. Change the line:

log4j.rootCategory=INFO, console


log4j.rootCategory=WARN, console

You will see warnings and output but not all the info messages. I would say it is generally better to leave the info messages on, so you get used to what is normal and learn some of the terminology that spark uses.

This new program runs quickly, but Spark is great for processing large files. It’s time to do something a little bit more complicated. First, download the entire history of the price paid data. Download the Single File or the complete Price Paid Transaction Data as a CSV file, currently here.

You can then change the program, so instead of just filtering, it filters and then groups by year and gets a count of how many properties sold per year and the average selling price. One of the features of Spark is that you can use the methods found in Scala, Python, R, or .NET or you can write SQL.

The date must be an actual date, but even with the inferSchema option set to true, it’s still a string rather than an exact date. To correct this, add an extra column to the data set which is the date cast to an actual date:

dataFrame = dataFrame.WithColumn("date", dataFrame.Col("date_str").Cast("date"));

If you build this and then run the spark-submit command line, you should see the extra column:

using System;
using Microsoft.Spark.Sql;
namespace HousePrices
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var Spark = SparkSession
            var dataFrame = Spark.Read().Option("inferSchema", true).Csv(args[0]);
            dataFrame = dataFrame.ToDF("file_guid", "price", "date_str", "post_code", "property_type", "old_new", "duration", "paon", "saon", "street", "locality", "town", "district", "county", "ppd_Category_type", "record_type");
            dataFrame = dataFrame.WithColumn("date", dataFrame.Col("date_str").Cast("date"));

To query the data using SQL syntax rather than just using .Net methods as shown up to until now, you can save the DataFrame as a view. This makes it available to be queried:


You can then query the view from SQL:

Spark.Sql("select year(date), avg(price), count(*) from ppd group by year(date)").OrderBy(Functions.Year(dataFrame.Col("date")).Desc()).Show(100);

This runs the SQL query

select year(date), avg(price), count(*) from ppd group by year(date)

It then orders the results by date descending and shows the last 100 years (the data only goes back to 1995 so you won’t see 100 years of data).

using System;
using Microsoft.Spark.Sql;
namespace HousePrices
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var Spark = SparkSession
            var dataFrame = Spark.Read().Option("inferSchema", true).Csv(args[0]);
            dataFrame = dataFrame.ToDF("file_guid", "price", "date_str", "post_code", "property_type", "old_new", "duration", "paon", "saon", "street", "locality", "town", "district", "county", "ppd_Category_type", "record_type");
            dataFrame = dataFrame.WithColumn("date", dataFrame.Col("date_str").Cast("date"));
            var result = Spark.Sql("select year(date), avg(price), count(*) from ppd group by year(date)").OrderBy(Functions.Year(dataFrame.Col("date")).Desc());

You can then run this against the full dataset:

spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.deploy.DotnetRunner --master local[8] Microsoft-spark-2.4.x-0.2.0.jar HousePrices.exe c:\users\ed\Downloads\pp-complete.csv

You can also change how many cores the processing takes. Instead of --master local which uses one single core by itself, use --master local[8] or whatever number of cores you have on a machine. If you have lots of cores, use them.

When I ran this on my laptop with eight cores, it took 1 minute 45 seconds to complete, and the average house price in that area is about 2.5 million pounds:


Using .NET for Apache Spark brings the full power of Spark to .NET developers who are more comfortable writing C# or F# than Scala, Python, R or Java. It also doesn’t matter whether you are running Linux or Windows for your development.

Source Code

I have included a working copy of the final version of the application on GitHub. In the git repo, there are .NET Framework and core versions of the solution. If you use the .NET core version, then executing the program is the same except instead of HousePrices.exe, you need to have dotnet HousePrices-core.dll before the path to the CSV file:

spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.deploy.DotnetRunner --master local PathTo\Microsoft-spark-2.4.x-0.2.0.jar dotnet PathTo\HousePrices-Core.dll c:\users\ed\Downloads\pp-monthly-update-new-version.csv


The post Apache Spark for .NET Developers appeared first on Simple Talk.

from Simple Talk