Wednesday, June 5, 2019

SQL Saturday Virginia Beach this weekend!

Coming up this weekend, I will be in Virginia Beach, VA for their first ever SQL Saturday event. I have strong ties to the area, as the company I work for is located there, and they are helping me out to be able to come in for the event at a more reasonable pace than expected (I also get to attend a few meetings in-person that will be much better for a first look at some new technology we are starting to use.)

I will delivering my newest, and kind of my new favorite session.

Relational Design Critique

The process of designing a relational database is not overly complex and may be done by almost anyone on the development team. The process requires one to take the time to understand the requirements, when they exist, and apply a straightforward set of transforms to produce table structures that meets the needs. The tough part is that the process requires time and experience, neither of which anyone has enough of. In this session, to help the attendee differentiate right-enough designs from overly simple or overly complex designs, we will look at a variety of database snippets, each inspired from a real-life design. We will discuss the pros and cons of the approach taken and consider possible remediations to learn from a failure that was made by someone else.

What I really like about this session is that it is interactive, something I have not done an amazingly good job of in the past with database design sessions that weren’t 8 hours in length. During the session, I cover many of the design concerns with your databases that I do in my more rote Database Design Fundamentals session (not in the same depth, naturally), but the added interactivity helps to get people involved and thinking.

I look forward to seeing what Monica Rathbun (@sqlespresso) and the rest of her team does for us. (I assume she has helpers, though she is a very energetic person, maybe from the all of the espresso?) I have long wanted to have a SQL Saturday in Virginia Beach, as it is a great place to visit, and an even better place to live if you get the chance.


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