Thursday, February 25, 2021

Business value of lean software development and DevOps

Organizations are under greater pressure than ever to deliver applications faster and more efficiently. One approach they’ve taken to improve delivery is lean software development, an application delivery methodology that focuses on minimizing waste and increasing efficiency. Another approach is DevOps, which bridges the gap between development and operations in order to deliver software faster, more frequently, and more reliably. DevOps is often considered both a philosophy and practice that includes the tools necessary for application delivery.

DevOps has been described as an evolution of Agile methodology, an approach similar in many ways to lean software development. DevOps has also been portrayed as a type of lean development system that merges development and operations into a unified effort.

The relationship between DevOps and lean software development has been explained in other ways as well, but the two remain separate disciplines (just like Agile). However, DevOps and lean development share similar goals and can effectively complement each other. In fact, when used together, DevOps and lean software development can provide an organization with many important business benefits.

Lean software development

Lean software development has its roots in the Toyota Production System, an approach to automobile manufacturing that focused on minimizing waste, optimizing production, and increasing customer value. In 1993, Dr. Robert Charette co-opted the Toyota approach by introducing the concept of lean software development, focusing on risk reduction and building solutions for customer use.

Ten years later, Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck published their seminal book Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit. The book further formalized the concept of lean application delivery, adopting the same philosophy that revolutionized manufacturing. In their book, the authors outlined seven key principles for how to approach lean software development:

  • Eliminate waste. Waste includes anything that doesn’t directly add customer value or add knowledge about how to more effectively deliver that value. Waste can refer to unnecessary features, duplicate efforts, inefficient processes or other unproductive practices.
  • Amplify learning. Software development should be treated as an ongoing learning process that’s available to all team members. Learning can take many forms, such as training, code reviews, project documentation, pair programming, or knowledge sharing.
  • Decide as late as possible. Software development requires a flexible mindset that encourages team members to keep their options open until they’ve gathered the data necessary to make proper decisions. And the longer they wait, the more informed those decisions. Deciding late also makes it easier to accommodate new and evolving circumstances.
  • Deliver as fast as possible. Development teams should release software as often as they can, with short deployment cycles that provide them with continuous feedback. Not only does this improve the product faster, but it also provides development teams with more information for making informed decisions. And it helps eliminate waste.
  • Empower the team. The development team should be able to make technical decisions about the product without being bogged down by external approval processes. The team needs to be treated with respect and have the freedom to make the choices necessary to deliver software as fast and effectively as possible. Ongoing learning is an essential component of team empowerment.
  • Build integrity in. Accelerated application delivery should not come at the expense of the application’s integrity or quality. Fast does not mean sloppy. Customers should get an application that’s easy to use, works as it’s supposed to work, and includes the features they expect. The right tools can help ensure integrity by automating repetitive tasks, implementing comprehensive testing, and providing ongoing monitoring and feedback.
  • See the whole. Software development is immersed in endless detail. Even so, development teams should also understand the big picture. They should be familiar with the project’s goals, the application’s users, the value that the application provides, and any other information that offers insights into what they’re trying to achieve as a team and organization.

The lean approach to software development has much in common with Agile methodology. In fact, the two are sometimes treated as one and the same, even though they came about in different ways. Agile got its official start in 2001 when a group of developers published the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, which is built on four core values:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

The group of developers also published a set of twelve principles, which stand behind the Manifesto:

  • Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
  • Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.
  • Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference for the shorter timescale.
  • Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
  • Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
  • The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
  • Working software is the primary measure of progress.
  • Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
  • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
  • Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential.
  • The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
  • At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

From these principles, it’s easy to see how lean software development and Agile are similar in many ways. For example, they both embrace changing requirements and more frequent software delivery. In fact, one could argue that Agile is an expression of lean software development principles. They certainly share similar goals, even if they emphasize different aspects of application delivery.

DevOps and lean software development

As with Agile, it could be argued that lean software development principles lie at the core of DevOps. It could also be said that DevOps is the next step in the evolution of lean and agile software development. Certainly, a symbiotic relationship exists between these methodologies, even if they can each stand on their own. Consider Amazon’s description of DevOps:

DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. This speed enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market.

DevOps enables development and operation teams to collaborate in order to deliver software more effectively. Together, the teams employ continuous integration and delivery practices that automate and standardize release cycles while optimizing application lifecycles and accelerating deployments.

One of the most popular books on DevOps is Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations, written by Dr. Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim. When working on their book, the authors used rigorous statistical methods to determine the best way to measure software delivery performance. They discovered that high-performance delivery can be predicted by four key metrics:

  • Lead time. The time from code commit to running the application in production; the shorter the time, the better.
  • Deployment frequency. The number of times the application is deployed during a specified time period; the higher the rate the better.
  • Mean time to restore. The average time it takes to recover from an incident; the shorter the time, the better.
  • Change fail percentage. The percentage of changes to production that fail; the lower the rate, the better.

These four metrics dovetail nicely with lean software development and its emphasis on faster deployments, reduced waste and building integrity into application delivery. Both lean software and DevOps seek to remove any barriers that might prevent teams from delivering applications as quickly and smoothly as possible while maximizing customer value. Because the two share many of the same goals, DevOps can effectively encompass lean software development principles while adding the benefits of integrated development and operations.

DevOps provides an efficient mechanism for applying lean development principles on a consistent and ongoing basis. Lean software development emphasizes the importance of minimizing waste, optimizing production, and increasing customer value—all characteristics integral to an effective DevOps operation. A DevOps team that embraces lean development principles recognizes the importance of prioritizing customer value, while continuously improving and optimizing their operations, which means eliminating waste wherever possible.

Business value of lean DevOps

Many DevOps teams already incorporate lean development principles into their operations, treating the application delivery process as a natural extension of those principles. Other teams might need to take specific steps to create an environment more friendly to lean software development, such as stepping up their efforts to reduce waste or emphasizing customer value over other priorities.

Regardless of how they approach lean DevOps, organizations stand to benefit in a number of important ways. For example, incorporating lean principles into DevOps can lead to more streamlined operations and increased productivity. Lean DevOps calls for ongoing feedback and optimization, coupled with team collaboration and participation. As a result, operations continuously improve and become more efficient, providing team members with the time they need to focus on important tasks, learn new skills and bring innovation to the table, which in turn help to improve operations even further.

Along with greater efficiency, organizations also benefit from less waste. Lean DevOps attempts to eliminate any activities, features, processes or other practices that do not contribute directly to application delivery. This also includes reducing duplicate efforts and automating repetitive manual tasks by deploying proper tools and processes. Plus, eliminating waste can help streamline operations and increase productivity.

Lean DevOps also means faster and more frequent deployments. Not only do customers benefit from regular updates, but developers get more immediate feedback on their changes. At the same time, these changes are deployed in smaller chunks, making it easier to address issues when they arise. Not only does this shorten the time-to-market, but it also results in greater customer satisfaction, giving organizations an edge over their competition. In addition, because deployments are broken down into small chunks, rollbacks and resolutions can be carried out more quickly, reducing the overall risks to the project.

Lean DevOps also results in greater agility, making it easier for team members to respond to changing business strategies and customer requests. The team can react more quickly to new regulations, changes in the competitive landscape, technological concerns, and other challenges. This flexibility goes hand-in-hand with more frequent deployments, leading to an even greater competitive edge.

Another advantage of lean DevOps is increased job satisfaction. An effective DevOps team relies on open communication and collaboration, along with ongoing learning. These can help create a more conducive and inviting work environment. In addition, because team members are empowered to make decisions and innovate, they experience less of the frustration that comes from being at the mercy of a bureaucratic chain of command. In addition, repetitive, manual tasks are automated, and feedback is quick and ongoing. This enables team members to perform their jobs more effectively, while being able to see immediate results for their efforts, adding to the overall satisfaction.

When taken together, these benefits translate to greater profitability. Software is delivered faster and more efficiently, without the waste the comes with traditional development methodologies. This can help reduce overall development costs and increase productivity. At the same time, organizations can respond more quickly to shifting trends and customer expectations, improving the bottom line even further, especially if organizations can deliver products and features faster than their competition. Plus, greater job satisfaction can lead to lower turnover, which itself can represent a significant saving.

Making DevOps leaner

Lean software development has its roots in automobile manufacturing. DevOps doesn’t go back nearly as far, emerging more recently as a way to improve the application delivery process. Even so, both approaches can benefit software development in numerous ways, and together they can offer even greater business value. Not only can they help improve operations and reduce waste, but they can also lead to faster deployments, increased agility, and fewer risks—all of which translate to greater profitability and the organization’s long-term stability.


The post Business value of lean software development and DevOps appeared first on Simple Talk.

from Simple Talk

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Do something that scares you

Recently, the editor of, Steve Jones, shared a video in our team Slack channel that talked about how you shouldn’t feel like an imposter when you get out of your comfort zone. It talked about how incredibly successful people didn’t know how to do what they eventually accomplished back when they started. For example, Jeff Bezos didn’t know how to run a trillion-dollar company when he began Amazon in his garage.

Discussions about imposter syndrome remind me of a book I read several years ago, The Confidence Code. The main thing I learned from the book is that doing things that seem daunting or downright scary can build confidence. One of the most frightening activities for most people is public speaking — feared more than death! That’s why I recommend it to women in tech to build their confidence and to boost their careers. I don’t mean to scare them, but I’ve seen many folks’ careers take off after they start presenting at events.

Another cool thing about doing scary things is that they get to be fun after a while. In my case, I love singing and participated in chorus in high school and college. I was too shy to get a solo and spent my time singing the background “oohs and aahs.” I discovered karaoke about 20 years ago, but it took me quite a long time before I was brave enough to go to a public event. Finally, I was singing the lead instead of the background, and I was hooked! Singing gave me so much confidence that I believe it led to me getting involved with presenting, writing, and teaching.

Other people have said that coaching a team, mastering photography, or leading a user group, for example, is that thing that scared them at first but that ultimately boosted confidence. Once you try something new that seems difficult but succeed, you wire your brain to believe you can do the next item on your list according to the Confidence Code authors.

Did the video Steve that shared cure my imposter syndrome? Not really. I know that there is so much to learn, and the opposite, thinking you know everything, is much worse.

Commentary Competition

Enjoyed the topic? Have a relevant anecdote? Disagree with the author? Leave your two cents on this post in the comments below, and our favourite response will win a $50 Amazon gift card. The competition closes two weeks from the date of publication, and the winner will be announced in the next Simple Talk newsletter.

The post Do something that scares you appeared first on Simple Talk.

from Simple Talk

Integrate Create React app with .NET Core 5

The Create React app is the community’s preferred way to spin up a brand new React project. This tool generates the basic scaffold to start writing code and abstracts away many challenging dependencies. React tools like webpack and Babel are lumped into a single dependency. React developers can focus on the problem at hand, which lowers the bar necessary to build Single Page Apps.

The question remains, React solves the problem on the client-side, but what about the server-side? .NET developers have a long history of working with Razor, server-side configuration, and the ASP.NET user session via a session cookie. In this take, I will show you how to get the best of both worlds with a nice integration between the two.

This article has a hands-on approach that reads better from top to bottom so you can follow along. If you feel comfortable enough with the code, it is available on GitHub for your reading pleasure.

The general solution involves two major pieces, the front and the back ends. The back end is a typical ASP.NET MVC app anyone can spin up in .NET Core 5. Just make sure that you have .NET Core 5 installed and that your project is targeting .NET Core 5 when you do this to unlock C# 9 features. I will incrementally add more pieces as the integration progresses. The front end will have the React project, with an NPM build that outputs static assets like index.html. I will assume a working knowledge of .NET and React, so I don’t have to delve into basics such as setting up .NET Core or Node on a dev machine. That said, note some of the useful using statements here for later use:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

Initial Project Setup

The good news is that Microsoft provides a basic scaffold template that will spin up a new ASP.NET project with React on the front end. This ASP.NET React project has the client app, which outputs static assets that can be hosted anywhere, and the ASP.NET back end that gets called via API endpoints to get JSON data. The one advantage here is that the entire solution can be deployed at the same time as one monolith without splitting both ends into separate deployment pipelines.

To get the basic scaffold in place:

mkdir integrate-dotnet-core-create-react-app
cd integrate-dotnet-core-create-react-app
dotnet new react --no-https
dotnet new sln
dotnet sln add integrate-dotnet-core-create-react-app.csproj

With this in place, feel free to open the solution file in Visual Studio or VS Code. You can fire up the project with dotnet run to see what the scaffold does for you. Note the command dotnet new react; this is the template I’m using for this React project.

Here is what the initial template looks like:

If you run into any issues with React, simply change directory into ClientApp and run npm install to get Create React App up and running. The entire app renders on the client without server-side rendering. It has a react-router with three different pages: a counter, one that fetches weather data, and a home page. If you look at the controllers, it has a WeatherForecastController with an API endpoint to get weather data.

This scaffold already includes a Create React App project. To prove this, open the package.json file in the ClientApp folder to inspect it.

This is what gives it away:

  "scripts": {
      "start": "rimraf ./build && react-scripts start",
      "build": "react-scripts build",

Look for react-scripts; this is the single dependency that encapsulates all other React dependencies like webpack . To upgrade React and its dependencies in the future, all you need to do is upgrade this one dependency. This is the React App’s real power because it abstracts away an otherwise potentially hazardous upgrade to stay on the latest bits.

The overall folder structure follows a conventional Create React App project in ClientApp with an ASP.NET project wrapped around it.

The folder structure looks like this:

This React app comes with many niceties but lacks some important ASP.NET features:

  • there is no server-side rendering via Razor, making any other MVC page work like a separate app
  • ASP.NET server configuration data is hard to access from the React client
  • it does not integrate with an ASP.NET user session via a session cookie

I will tackle each one of these concerns as I progress through the integration. What’s nice is these desirable features are attainable with the Create React App and ASP.NET.

To keep track of integration changes, I will now use Git to commit the initial scaffold. Assuming Git is installed, do a git init, git add, and git commit to commit this initial project. Looking at the commit history is an excellent way to track what changes are necessary to do the integration.

Now, create the following folders and files that are useful for this integration. I recommend using Visual Studio with a right-click create Controller, Class, or View:

  • /Controllers/HomeController.cs: server-side home page that will override Create React App’s index.html entry page
  • /Views/Home/Index.cshtml: Razor view to render server-side components and a parsed index.html from the React project
  • /CreateReactAppViewModel.cs: main integration view model that will grab the index.html static asset and parse it out for MVC consumption

Once these folders and files are in place, kill the current running app, and spin up the app in watch mode via dotnet watch run. This command keeps track of changes both on the front and back ends and even refreshes the page when it needs to.

The rest of the necessary changes will go in existing files that were put in place by the scaffold. This is great because it minimizes code tweaks necessary to flesh out this integration.

Time to roll up your sleeves, take a deep breath, and tackle the main part of this integration.

CreateReactAppViewModel integration

I will begin by creating a view model that does most of the integration. Crack open CreateReactAppViewModel and put this in place:

public class CreateReactAppViewModel
  private static readonly Regex _parser = new(
    RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);

  public string HeadContent { get; set; }
  public string BodyContent { get; set; }

  public CreateReactAppViewModel(HttpContext context)
    var request = WebRequest.Create(
      context.Request.Scheme + "://" + context.Request.Host +
      context.Request.PathBase + "/index.html");

    var response = request.GetResponse();
    var stream = response.GetResponseStream();
    var reader = new StreamReader(
      stream ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(
        "The create-react-app build output could not be found in " +
        "/ClientApp/build. You probably need to run npm run build. " +
        "For local development, consider npm start."));

    var htmlFileContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
    var matches = _parser.Matches(htmlFileContent);

    if (matches.Count != 1)
      throw new InvalidOperationException(
        "The create-react-app build output does not appear " +
        "to be a valid html file.");

    var match = matches[0];

    HeadContent = match.Groups["HeadContent"].Value;
    BodyContent = match.Groups["BodyContent"].Value;

This code may seem scary at first but only does two things: gets the output index.html file from the dev server and parses out the head and body tags. This allows the consuming app in ASP.NET to access the HTML that links to the static assets that come from Create React App. The assets will be the static files that contain the code bundles with JavaScript and CSS in it. For example, js\main.3549aedc.chunk.js for JavaScript or css\2.ed890e5e.chunk.css for CSS. This is how webpack takes in the React code that is written and presents it to the browser.

I opted to fire a WebRequest to the dev server directly because Create React App does not materialize any actual files accessible to ASP.NET while in developing mode. This is sufficient for local development because it works well with the webpack dev server. Any changes on the client-side will automatically update the browser. Any back-end changes while in watch mode will also refresh the browser. So, you get the best of both worlds here for optimum productivity.

In prod, this will create static assets via npm run build. I recommend doing file IO and reading the index file off its actual location in ClientApp/build. Also, while in prod mode, it is a good idea to cache the contents of this file after the static assets have been deployed to the hosting server.

To give you a better idea, this is what a built index.html file looks like:

I’ve highlighted the head and body tags the consuming ASP.NET app needs to parse. Once it has this raw HTML, the rest is somewhat easy peasy.

With the view model in place, time to tackle the home controller that will override the index.html file from React.

Open the HomeController and add this:

public class HomeController : Controller
  public IActionResult Index()
    var vm = new CreateReactAppViewModel(HttpContext);

    return View(vm);

In ASP.NET, this controller will be the default route that overrides Create React App with server-side rendering support. This is what unlocks the integration, so you get the best of both worlds.

Then, put this Razor code in Home/Index.cshtml:

@model integrate_dotnet_core_create_react_app.CreateReactAppViewModel

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <div class="container ">
    <h2>Server-side rendering</h2>

The React app uses react-router to define two client-side routes. If the page gets refreshed while the browser is on a route other than home, it will revert to the static index.html.

To address this inconsistency, define these server-side routes in Startup. Routes are defined inside UseEndpoints:

  new { controller = "Home", action = "Index"});
  new { controller = "Home", action = "Index"});

With this, take a look at the browser which will now show this server-side “component” via an h3 tag. This may seem silly because it’s just some simple HTML rendered on the page, but the possibilities are endless. The ASP.NET Razor page can have a full app shell with menus, branding, and navigation that can be shared across many React apps. If there are any legacy MVC Razor pages, this shiny new React app will integrate seamlessly.

Server-Side App Configuration

Next, say I want to show server-side configuration on this app from ASP.NET, such as the HTTP protocol, hostname, and the base URL. I chose these mostly to keep it simple, but these config values can come from anywhere. They can be appsettings.json settings or even values from a configuration database.

To make server-side settings accessible to the React client, put this in Index.cshtml:

  window.SERVER_PROTOCOL = '@Context.Request.Protocol';
  window.SERVER_SCHEME = '@Context.Request.Scheme';
  window.SERVER_HOST = '@Context.Request.Host';
  window.SERVER_PATH_BASE = '@Context.Request.PathBase';


This sets any config values that come from the server in the global window browser object. The React app can retrieve these values with little effort. I opted to render these same values in Razor, mostly to show they are the same values that the client app will see.

In React, crack open components\NavMenu.js and add this snippet; most of this will go inside the Navbar:

import { NavbarText } from 'reactstrap';


The client app will now reflect the server configuration that is set via the global window object. There is no need to fire an Ajax request to load this data or somehow make it available to the index.html static asset.

If you’re using Redux, for example, this is even easier because this can be set when the app initializes the store. Initial state values can be passed into the store before anything renders on the client.

For example:

const preloadedState = {
  config: {
    protocol: window.SERVER_PROTOCOL,
    scheme: window.SERVER_SCHEME,
    host: window.SERVER_HOST,
    pathBase: window.SERVER_PATH_BASE

const store = createStore(reducers, preloadedState, 

I chose to opt-out of putting in place a Redux store for the sake of brevity, but this is a rough idea of how it can be done via the window object. What’s nice with this approach is that the entire app can remain unit-testable without polluting it with browser dependencies like this window object.

.NET Core user session integration

Lastly, as the pièce de résistance, I will now integrate this React app with the ASP.NET user session. I will lock down the back-end API where it gets weather data and only show this information with a valid session. This means that when the browser fires an Ajax request, it must contain an ASP.NET session cookie. Otherwise, the request gets rejected with a redirect which indicates to the browser it must first login.

To enable user session support in ASP.NET, open the Startup file and add this:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    . AddAuthentication(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)
    .AddCookie(options =>
      options.Cookie.HttpOnly = true;

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
  // put this between UseRouting and UseEndpoints

Be sure to leave the rest of the scaffold code in there and only add this snippet in the correct methods. With authentication/authorization now enabled, go to the WeatherForecastController and slap an Authorize attribute to the controller. This will effectively lock it down to where it needs an ASP.NET user session via a cookie to get to the data.

The Authorize attribute assumes the user can login into the app. Go back to the HomeController and add the login/logout methods. Remember to be using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies, and Microsft.AspNetCore.Mvc.

This is one way to establish and then kill the user session:

public async Task<ActionResult> Login()
  var userId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
  var claims = new List<Claim>
    new(ClaimTypes.Name, userId)

  var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(
  var authProperties = new AuthenticationProperties();

  await HttpContext.SignInAsync(
    new ClaimsPrincipal(claimsIdentity),

  return RedirectToAction("Index");

public async Task<ActionResult> Logout()
  await HttpContext.SignOutAsync(

  return RedirectToAction("Index");

Note that the user session is typically established with a redirect and an ASP.NET session cookie. I added a ClaimsPrincipal with a user-id set to a random Guid to make this seem more real. In a real app, these claims can come from a database or a JWT.

To expose this functionality to the client, open components\NavMenu.js and add these links to the Navbar:

  <a class="text-dark nav-link" href="/home/login">Log In</a>
  <a class="text-dark nav-link" href="/home/logout">Log Out</a>

Lastly, I want the client app to handle request failures and give some indication to the end user that something went wrong. Bust open components\FetchData.js and replace populateWeatherData with this code snippet:

async populateWeatherData() {
  try {
    const response = await fetch(
      {redirect: 'error'});
    const data = await response.json();
    this.setState({ forecasts: data, loading: false });
  } catch {
      forecasts: [{date: 'Unable to get weather forecast'}],
      loading: false});

I tweaked the fetch so it does not follow failed requests on a redirect, which is an error response. The ASP.NET middleware responds with a redirect to the login page when an Ajax request fails to get the data. In a real app, I recommend customizing this to a 401 (Unauthorized) status code so the client can deal with this more gracefully. Or, set up some way to poll the back end and check for an active session and redirect accordingly via window.location.

Done, the dotnet watcher should keep track of changes on both ends while refreshing the browser. To take this out for a test spin, I will first visit the Fetch Data page, note that the request fails, login, and try again to get weather data with a valid session. I will open the network tab to show Ajax requests in the browser.

Integrate Create React app with .NET core 5

Note the 302 redirect when I first get the weather data, and it fails. Then, the subsequent redirect from login establishes a session. Peeking at the browser cookies shows this cookie name AspNetCore.Cookies, which is a session cookie that allows a subsequent Ajax request to work properly.

Integrate Create React app with .NET Core 5

.NET Core 5 and React do not have to live in separate silos. With an excellent integration, it is possible to unlock server-side rendering, server config data, and the ASP.NET user session in React.

If you liked this article, you might also like Working with React Components.

The post Integrate Create React app with .NET Core 5 appeared first on Simple Talk.

from Simple Talk

Monday, February 22, 2021

A data transformation problem in SQL and Scala: Dovetailing declarative solutions

Part I: Problem Space, SQL Server Simulation and Analysis

This article covers an interesting approach to a software problem. The software to be built must transform data in an operating system file. Would it make sense to include SQL Server in the development environment?

Solving problems first in T-SQL provides result sets against which software results can be compared. Adding to that, query execution plans may serve as blueprints for software development.

In this Part I of the series, I’ll fashion business rules, requirements, and sample data into a denormalized table and query. The query’s WHERE clause includes several logical operators, but its query plan is trivial. To get one that can serve as a software design model, I’ll rewrite the query’s logical connectives as their set operator equivalents. The new query plan is more complex but suggests a logical approach for the software effort.

In Part II, you’ll see T-SQL components realized as structures you know: lists, sets, and maps. What you may not know, though, is how to code algorithms declaratively – e.g. without long-winded loops. The software makes extensive use of map functions, which take functions as arguments and are supported to varying degrees in many Visual Studio languages.

For this article, you’ll need development experience in a relational database and some knowledge of relational theory. For the next, any experience in an imperative or declarative language suffices. Though I’ve written the code in Scala and solely in the functional paradigm, I hope to present just enough background for you to grasp the core strategy of the solutions.

You can download the complete files for both articles. 

Problem Space: Ice Cream

Ice cream manufacturers and retailers, whom I’ll refer to as makers, purvey many flavors. Here are the business rules:

  • There is a many-to-many relationship between makers and flavors.
  • There is a many-to-one relationship from flavor to base flavor (functional dependency: flavor → base flavor).

The term base flavor is an article device not an industry standard.

Participation is mandatory in both. This illustration shows the relationships for five of twelve rows from the operating system file in entity-occurrence style:

Diagram, venn diagram Description automatically generated

Figure 1. Many-to-many and many-to-one relationships

This is the statement of the data manipulation requirement to be done on the operating system file in software:

For rows in which maker names end in ‘Creamery’ or the base flavor is Vanilla, further restrict these to their flavors being Mint, Coffee, or Vanilla. Return result for all three columns.

The reference to maker name of suffix ‘Creamery’ will result in a non-searchable argument (SARG) that will be handled transparently by the T-SQL but must be addressed directly in the software.

There is a subtle incongruity between the business rules and the data transformation requirement. Do you see it? The file and table will have the same twelve mockup rows but imagine thousands in a real project and how this could impact performance. I’ll point out the issue and resolve it later in a query and take what was learned when developing the software.

Problem Space: The Ice Cream Database

The goal of the table in the simulation database simply is to mirror the data in the file. The many-to-many relationship implies that (Maker, Flavor) is the sole candidate key. Since flavor → base flavor, the table would not be normalized; in fact, it is an intersection table in violation of 2NF. Further, there are no foreign keys or other tables as they would add nothing for the software design.

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Figure 2. File sample rows having redundancies – not in 2NF

Denormalization is visible in rows 5 and 6 and in 11 and 12. The non-clustered covering index (added post-population) will give a better query execution plan (query plan). More importantly, it will be matched by a key structure in the software – I’m tuning the database only to the extent that it will be relevant later.

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Figure 3. Denormalized intersection table and covering index creation

All database work was done in Azure Data Studio connecting to a local copy of SQL Server 2019. The script is in the download.

Solution Space: T-SQL Queries

The first goal is to create a result set against which the software result can be verified. Adhering to the business rules and requirements, the query constrains on four logical (Boolean-valued) operators, LIKE, IN, AND, and OR:

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Figure 4. Original query that creates rowset for software verification

This is the query outcome over the sample rows:

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Figure 5. Verification rowset with single-step query plan.

The Index Seek operator over the covering index expands the IN() operator, which implies logical OR, into Seek Keys (for a range scan count of 3), and further constrains on the Predicate as expected:

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Figure 6. Bottom part of expansion for Index Seek operator

All is correct to this point, and I can convert the index into a structure that will be used twice in software. However, the trivial query plan is not as useful as it could be. Relational theory is based on set theory, and the query rewrites next will more directly reflect this. This is important because the transformation algorithms in the software will all be set-based.

Query Rewrite I

The second goal, as you recall, is to fashion a query whose query plan will serve as a model for the software design. The trick I’ll employ is to replace the logical connectives OR and AND with their T-SQL equivalent set operators UNION and INTERSECT.

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Figure 7. Query rewrite using set-based operators

It produces the detailed query plan I’m looking for:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 8. Query plan for Figure 7

The outer input uses the same non-clustered covering index and Seek Keys for range scans (scan count remains 3) as the original query but without the Predicate. Instead, each outer row directly joins via Nested Loops (Inner Join) on all columns to the rowset produced by the union of the Creamery and base flavor rows (discussed next). The Nested Loops operator, then, accomplishes a row-by-row set intersection.

In the inner input to Nested Loops, the upper Clustered Index Seek on the primary key is for the LIKE(% Creamery) condition. Although the value to the LIKE logical operator is a non-SARG, a true index seek range scan (not table scan) is done on each outer row’s (Maker, Flavor) prefix, during which the LIKE Predicate can be applied. The lower Clustered Index Seek parallels the upper, differing only in the predicate condition: BaseFlavor = N‘Vanilla.’ Since the Inner Join is done on the superkey – i.e. all columns – and since flavor → base flavor, either lower input branch can produce at most one row. If both produce a row, they must, therefore, be the same row.

The Concatenation simply appends one output to the other – think UNION ALL in T-SQL. To get the T-SQL UNION, then, the Stream Aggregate (Aggregate) operator collapses duplicates via grouping (and no aggregate expressions are computed). Specifically, both Concatenation and Stream Aggregate show only the same Output List, which consists of column header Union 1004, Union 1005, and Union 1006, and their rows are returned to the query.

This query plan lends all the information needed to create index simulators and filter and map operations and algorithms in the software. An optimization, though, remains unaddressed – so almost all.

Query Rewrite II

There is no index on the BaseFlavor column, but in the middle subquery from Figure 7 above, BaseFlavor is constrained on value ‘Vanilla.’ This suggests that the lower-level software might need a data structure(s) and algorithm(s) to support the restriction. To start the analysis, I’ll create this covering index, which parallels that on the Flavor column:

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Figure 9. Covering index on BaseFlavor key

The proposed index has no effect on the query plan in Figure 8 above, nor the original query plan in Figure 5. This is not proof, though, that separate resources are not needed in software to enforce the restriction.

The next illustration shows the subquery run in isolation. A minor point is that the Query Optimizer chooses an Index Seek on the new index in place of an Index Scan using IX_MakerFlavor_Flavor. The central point is that subqueries that form part of a larger, single-statement T-SQL query will be translated into individual software resources that can and will be accessed in isolation.

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Figure 10. Query in lower half of UNION run in isolation

Now rerun the query but this time constrain the ‘Vanilla’ value by the Flavor column:

Table Description automatically generated

Figure 11. Constraining on Flavor column yields two fewer rows

This is not an idle thought experiment. The former result set contains two extraneous rows – column Flavor values being ‘French Vanilla’ and ‘Cherry Vanilla’ – that are not in the result set from Figure 4. The software effort needs a decision as to which constraint to enforce. Whether in queries or software transformations, performance is better served when rows not needed are culled early. The question I posed early on regarding the mismatch between the business rules and requirement can now be restated: Can the restriction on BaseFlavor be replaced by that on Flavor and still be correct?

Constraining on the one side of a many-to-one relationship as does the top query form (BaseFlavor) is not wrong per se but is the root of the performance issue here. A business rule, however, signals the solution. The second states flavor → base flavor. Given this, and since the query’s set intersection operation removes rows not matching on the Flavor column, the T-SQL can constrain on the many side (Flavor) without affecting correctness. The implication for software is that it obviates the need for special structures – those for simulating the proposed index to start the section – and handling (algorithms), as will be made clear in Part II.

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Figure 12. Query in final form

Testing: A Note on the Sample Data

Say set A denotes the rows produced by the query that restricts on the three flavor names and set B the rows from the union of the two other queries. Given the sample data, it happens that A B and hence B ∩ A = A. Therefore, the query on flavor names alone yields the same result as the full query and the knowledge of which can aid testing.

It is important to realize that this outcome is entirely data-dependent. The proper subset relationship may not hold over an operating system file having different data, and the software will make no assumptions regarding this limited analysis. In general, it is never a good idea to deduce business rules from data that can change over time. With that caveat in mind, sample runs done here and in software over these rows can only boost confidence in results.

In Conclusion

You saw how business rules and software requirement were mapped to a single intersection relational table in which normalization and referential integrity were nonessential. The initial query on the table provided the rowset against which the software result could be verified, but its query plan was inadequate as a pattern from which the software design could proceed.

Rewrites using T-SQL set operators did yield a query plan as software blueprint and provided other insights as well, chief among them the optimization of the base flavor column.

Last Word

Neither loops nor branches were used in any of the T-SQL work, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. They are – visible underneath in the query plans, which describe the process steps (operators and data flow) the SQL Server database engine follows to produce results. A salient example of looping is the Nested Loops operator used in the T-SQL rewrite query plan to match each outer row to an inner row, i.e. perform the INTERSECT. This style of coding, in which the logic of the computation is expressed rather than the lower-level control flow detail, is declarative programming, and is a major theme of this series. (The latter being imperative programming.)

The next article, which uses functional programming to solve the series’ problem, continues in this vein. The logic written to the map and filter functions encapsulated in the data structures is again compact and elegant, even as the compiler translates it to control flow statements.

Translating insights gained here into functional programming will be straightforward but not paint-by-numbers simple. You may have found this discussion challenging – I hope stimulating – and may find Part II the same as well.


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SQL Server authentication methods, logins, and database users

Setting up and managing SQL Server security is an important part of building and maintaining your SQL Server environment. SQL Server security is a vast topic that cannot be covered in a single article. This article starts with a few foundation topics of SQL Server security: SQL Server Authentication methods, logins and database users.

Authentication methods supported

There are two different authentication methods for connecting to SQL Server: Windows and SQL Server.

Windows authentication requires a user to first authenticate to Windows with their login and password. Once a user has been authenticated to Windows, they can then connect to SQL Server using Windows authentication. That is, provided their Windows account has been granted access to SQL Server via a login (more on logins later). Windows authentication is tightly coupled with Windows Security and is also known as Integrated Security. Windows authentication works great when a person is part of a Windows domain.

But there are times when people can’t connect to Windows; this is where SQL authentication comes in. SQL Authentication is less secure than Windows Authentication. In order to connect to SQL Server using SQL authentication, a person needs to provide a login and password when they connect. The password for a SQL Authenticated login is stored in the master database. Because the password is stored in a SQL database, it is more easily hacked. It can also be backed up and restored with a database backup which is why it is less secure than using Windows authentication.

Windows Authentication is the default authentication mode when installing a SQL Server instance. In order to support SQL authentication, you need to configure SQL Server to support mixed mode authentication. When mixed mode is used, both Windows and SQL authentication can be used to connect to SQL Server. If SQL Server is not set up to support mixed mode, then only Windows accounts can connect to SQL Server.

Because SQL authentication is less secure than Windows Authentication, it is recommended that you only set up your SQL Server instance to support mixed mode if you have a requirement to support users or applications that can’t connect to Windows. Even though Windows Authentication is more secure and the recommended practice for connecting to SQL Server, many custom application software vendors still don’t support connecting via Windows authentication.

Setting up SQL Server to support different authentication modes

When installing SQL Server, you have the choice to support only Windows authentication or both authentication methods, which is known as mixed mode. During the installation process, you decide whether or not to use mixed mode when defining the database engine configuration, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Selecting Authentication Methods

Windows Authentication is selected as the default shown with the red arrow in Figure 1. If you need to support both Windows and SQL Server authentication, then you would select the “Mixed Mode” radio button. Upon clicking this button, the SA account password boxes would become enabled, and you would need to specify a password for the SA account. When only Windows authentication is selected, the SA account is disabled. To secure the SA account when you are using mixed mode you can disable the SA account after it is enabled.

How to determine which authentication methods are supported

You can check to see which authentication method is configured in several ways. One of those ways is to use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). To use SSMS, first right click on the Instance name and select the Properties option. When I do that on my instance, the properties page in Figure 2 is displayed.

Figure 2: Determining Authentication Mode

Figure 2 shows that my instance supports mixed mode authentication because the radio button next to the red arrow is enabled.

Another method to check which authentication modes are set up is to use TSQL code. The code in Listing 1 displays the Authentication mode setup.

SELECT CASE SERVERPROPERTY('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly')   
          WHEN 1 THEN 'Windows Authentication Only'   
          WHEN 0 THEN 'Windows and SQL Server Authentication'  
       END as [Authentication Mode];

Listing 1: Displaying Authentication mode

Changing authentication methods After SQL Server is installed

There are times when you might want to change the authentication settings for a SQL Server instance. This might occur if you used the default settings during installation to support Windows authentication only and later acquired some software that can only connect using SQL Server authentication. Or possibly you want to make your instance more secure by removing support for SQL Server authentication. The authentication options can be easily changed using the properties page in SSMS shown in Figure 2.

If I wanted to change my instances to support only Windows authentication, all I would need to do is click on the “Windows authentication mode” button in Figure 2, and then click on the “OK” button to apply that change. After making this property change, I would need to restart my instance for this change to take effect.

SQL Server logins

In order to connect to SQL Server, one must have access to SQL Server. Access is granted via a login. A login is also known as a security principal, and is stored in the master database. There is one exception, and that is accessing a contained database. With contained databases users connect directly to database without the need for a login in the master database. More on contained databases in future articles.

There are three types of logins that are stored in the master database: Windows user, Windows group, and SQL. Let’s review each of these different types of logins.

A Windows user login provides access for a single Windows user. When creating this type of login, no password is needed when defining the login in SQL Server. This type of login requires the user to first validate their login by logging into the Windows domain. The Windows domain stores the password.

A SQL Server login is similar to a Windows login in that it provides access to SQL Server for a single user, but it is different than a Windows login because the password for a SQL login is stored in the master database. Therefore, when setting up a SQL Server login, a password needs to be provided for the login along with a few other password options, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Setting up a SQL Server Authenticated Login

Figure 3 shows that a SQL Server Login can be enabled to enforce Windows password policies and expiration and can require a user to change the password upon their first login. Microsoft added these new password features when SQL Server 2005 was released. For applications to support these new password features, they can use the NetValidatePasswordPolicy API.

The last type of login, a Windows group login, is similar to a Windows login but slightly different. A Windows group login provides access to a SQL Server instance for every Windows login that is a member of the group. Windows groups are a great way to provide access to many Windows logins with only having to define a single login in SQL Server. Using a Windows group, access to the SQL Server instance can be maintained by adding or removing group members. Using Windows groups helps minimize security management efforts and troubleshooting login related security issues.

If you look at the bottom of the screenshot in Figure 3, you will notice a “Default Database” setting for a login. The default database setting when creating a login is the “master” database. When setting up a login, the default database can be changed to any database on the server. Best practice is to set the default database to a database that the user will use when connecting to SQL Server.

Windows logins are considered more secure because of the way the password for the login is stored. The password for a Windows login is stored using true encryption. Where as the password for a SQL Login is not encrypted, instead it is hashed. Because a SQL login is hashed makes it easier to crack the password. Windows logins also require domain admin’s to set up the login and password, where as SQL logins the database administrators set up the login and password. By having the domain admin’s managing login passwords provides another layer of security, commonly called separation of duties. By separating the duties of creating and managing Windows logins from managing databases and access to databases, provides an additional security controls to gain access to data stored in SQL Server.

Creating a login to SQL Server allows users to connect to SQL Server. But a login alone doesn’t provide users access to any data in the different databases on the server. For a login to read and/or write data to a database, the login will need access to one or more databases. A login can be set up to have access to many databases on an instance if required.

Database users

A database user is not the same as a login. A login provides to a user or application the ability to connect to a SQL Server instance, whereas a database user provides the login rights to access a database. Each database a login needs access to will require a database user to be defined, except when a login has been given sysadmin rights. When a login has sysadmin rights, they have access to all database, without being mapped to a database user. This association between a login and a database user is known as a user mapping. User mappings for a login can be created during login creation or later for logins that have already been set up.

Creating a database user while creating a new login

To show how to provide user mapping when a new login is created, I will create a new SQL Server login named “Red-Gate”. The screenshot shown in Figure 4 shows the “Login – new” window where I will define this new login. To bring up this window, I expand the “Security” tab under my instance, and then right-click on the “Logins” option and then select the “New Login…” item from the drop-down.

SQL Server authentication methods

Figure 4: Creating Red-Gate Login

In figure 4, I enter “Red-Gate” for the login name and entered the password for this SQL login in the dialog boxes provided. To provide database access for this new login, I click on the “User Mapping” option in the left pane. When I do this, the window in Figure 5 is displayed.

Figure 5: User Mapping Window

A red box shows the list of databases in Figure 5, where my new login can be mapped. In order to map my “Red-Gate” login to the “AdventureWorks2019” database, I would just need to click on the “Map” checkbox next to the AdventureWorks2019 database. When I do that, the screenshot in Figure 6 is displayed.

Figure 6: Mapping Login to database

After checking the Map box, the name “Red-Gate” is automatically populated in the “User” column for the AdventureWorks2019 database. This interface automatically generates a database user name the same as the login to which it is mapped. Database user names don’t need to be the same as the login. If I wanted my database user name to be different, I could just type over the “Red-Gate” name and specify whatever database user name I wanted. Mapping a login to a database users only provides that login access to the database, but it doesn’t give the login access to read or update data in the database. In future articles I will be discussing how to provide read/write access to database objects.

Suppose I wanted to map my new “Red-Gate” login to additional user databases. In that case, I could do that by just checking on another “Map” checkbox next to the additional databases. For this example, I only want to map my new “Red-Gate” login to the “AdventureWorks2019” database. To finish up mapping my “Red-Gate” login to the “Red-Gate” database user I just need to click on the “OK” button.

Creating a new database user and mapping it to an existing login

There are times when a login has already been created, and it just needs access to one more database. For example, suppose I now wanted my established Red-Gate SQL Server login to access the database named “MyDatabase”. To give the Red-Gate login additional database access, I have a number of options. One option would be to just modify the user mappings by changing the properties on the login. This would be similar to how I just added the user mapping when I created the Red-Gate login.

Another option is to add a new database user to the “MyDatabase” and then mapping that new database user to the Red-Gate login. To create a new user in the database “MyDatabases” I would first expand the database, right-click on the “Security” item, hover over the “New” item, and then click on the “User…” item, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Bring up the new database user dialog

When I click on the new “User…” menu item, the window in Figure 8 is displayed.

Figure 8: Adding a new database user

To give the Red-Gate login access to MyDatabase, I need to fill out the form in Figure 8. The first item in Figure 8 to consider is the “User Type”. This field defaulted to “SQL User with Login”. There are four other types: SQL user without login, User mapped to a certificate, User mapped to an asymmetric key, and Window users. Since I am creating a database user that will be mapped to a SQL login, I use the default. Next, I enter the database user name for the user I am creating. It could be any name, but I prefer to make the database user name match the same name as the login it is associated with. Therefore I enter “Red-Gate” in the “User Name” field. I next map my new users to a login. To do the mapping, I can either type in “Red-Gate” for the login or use the ellipsis button (…) to browse through the list of logins already created and select one.

The last item needed is to define a default schema for this login. A schema name is associated with a database object collection owned by a database user. By default, each database has a schema named “dbo” owned by the “dbo” user account. You don’t need to specify a schema when you define a new database user. If one is not specified when defining the database user, the “dbo” schema will be the default schema. Since this article is just a primer, I will discuss the different aspects of schemas. I’ll leave that for another article. When I create my new Red-Gate database user, I’ll leave the default schema item empty and let the create new users process set the default schema automatically to “dbo”.

Once I’ve created my new user, I can verify it exists in the database by expanding the “User” item under the “Security” folder in Object Explorer. You can also create a new database user and map it to a login using a script. Listing 2 is an example of using TSQL to create the same login I just created using the point and click method.

USE [MyDatabase]

Listing 2: Create a Red-Gate database user using a TSQL script

SQL Server authentication methods, logins, and database users

To connect to SQL Server, a person or process needs to authenticate. There are two different methods to authenticate to SQL Server: Windows and SQL Server. Windows is the more secure and recommended method for connecting to SQL Server. Each connection that authentications to SQL Server gains access to the instance via a login. Logins are defined at the server level. Logins by themselves don’t provide access to data within SQL Server. To gain access to data in a database, a login needs to be mapped to a database user. The authentication methods, logins, and databases users provide the basic security foundations for SQL Server security.

If you liked this article, you might also like Understanding SQL Server Recovery Models.

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Creating Reports using Oracle SQL Commands

Reports are widely used by managers, analysts etc., to do data analysis and make business decisions. Report developers mostly use different reporting tools that are available in the market.  As most of the reporting tools are not open sourced, it is difficult to provide access to tools. You can download the code here.

Analysts can now create reports using Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus commands, SQL*Plus commands help facilitate output formatting which gives users better readability at data. 

Difference between GROUP BY and BREAK/COMPUTE Commands? 

GROUP BY command is a SQL command which returns only summary information, this command is one of the most used command on day-to-day basis. 

BREAK and COMPUTE are SQL*Plus commands, we use break and compute commands when we need detail (individual) along with summary information 

BREAK and COMPUTE Commands: 

Compute command lists the desired summary information at one or more break points. Break command defines break points. We can use break command without a compute command, but we can’t use a compute command without break command.  

In this article, I will provide a set of examples to showcase how to create reports using SQL 

Getting Started: 

In order to follow the below examples, you will need to create three tables Account, Customer and Transactions by executing below code in Oracle 

Account Table: 


Customer Table: 


Transaction Table: 


INSERT Test Data: 


After executing the above SQL code, we will be able to see that records have been inserted into Source tables as shown in below image 


Break and Compute Commands Syntax: 

break on {expression|column_name|row|page|report} [skip n|skip page] [duplicate|noduplicate] 

compute function of column_name on break_point 

We can give only one break command but multiple break points within that command. 

Display rows with blank lines between rows: 

Break on row skip 1 

Select * from Transactions;   


Creating a Report: 

Add Page Headers and Footers: 

We can add page headers and footers using Ttitle (top title) and Btitle (bottom title) are top and bottom title 

Location of the titles can be defined using “left”, “right”, “center” keywords. 






Clearing Break, Compute Commands: 

Clear Break 

Clear Compute 


Clearing Specific Column Command: 

Column ColName clear — to clear a specific column 

Clear Column — to clear all columns 



Set feedback off 

Clear Break 

Clear Compute 

Clear Columns 

break on TransactionType skip page 

compute sum of TransactionAmount "TotalAmount" on TransactionType 

column TransactionType new_value var_type noprint 

Ttitle left 'Transaction:'var_type center 'TotalAmount' right sql.pno skip2 


A.AccountID, C.FirstName, C.LastName, T.TransactionType,  T.TransactionAmount 

FROM Account A, Customer C, Transactions T 

WHERE A.AccountID=T.AccountID 



ORDER BY T.TransactionType; 





As shown in the above example we can create reports using SQL. Analysts or Developers can use this approach during data analysis or to work on a production issue on an adhoc basis


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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Function (and SQL Prompt Snippet) To Get Next Date By Day Name/Offset

As I have been building my Twitter management software, I have been doing a lot more ad-hoc, repetitive coding using T-SQL directly. When I was generating new tweets for upcoming days, a bit of the process that got old quick was getting the date for an upcoming day (the primary key for my tweet table is the date, the type of the tweet, and a sequence number). After having to pick the date of next Tuesday… I had to write some more code (because a true programmer doesn’t do repetitive work when code can be written… even if sometimes the code doesn’t save you time for days or weeks.

So this following function was born from that need, and it is something I could imagine most anyone using semi-regularly, especially when testing software. This is the code (with a bit of reformatting):

NOTE: The code is available in my Github repository for my database design book here: dbdesignbook6/Useful Code at master · drsqlgithub/dbdesignbook6 in the Tools Schema.sql file. 

     --Spelled out the name of the day of the week
        @DayName varchar(20), 
     --positive or negative offset from the current week
        @NumberOfWeeks int = 0, 
        @DateValue date = NULL --the day to start the calculation
    --if the date parameter is NULL, use current date
    SET @dateValue = COALESCE(@DateValue,SYSDATETIME());

    --this is a stand in for a calendar table to make it portable and not subject
    --to any date settings
    DECLARE @DaysOfWeek table (DayNumber int NOT NULL, 
                               DayName varchar(20) NOT NULL);

    --load 14 days to make the math of days between days easy
    INSERT INTO @DaysOfWeek(DayNumber, DayName)
           (4,'Wednesday'), (5,'Thursday'),(6,'Friday'),
           (7,'Saturday'), (8,'Sunday'),(9,'Monday'),
           (10,'Tuesday'),(11,'Wednesday'), (12,'Thursday'),

     --get the day number of the date that was passed in 
     --on the DateValue parameter
     DECLARE @CurrentDayNumber int = (SELECT MIN(DayNumber) 
                                      FROM @DaysOfWeek 
                                      WHERE DayName = DATENAME(weekday, @DateValue));  

      --get the next day number in the table to get the number 
      --of days to add
      DECLARE @NextDayNumber int = (SELECT MIN(DayNumber) 
                                    FROM @DaysOfWeek 
                                    WHERE DayName = @DayName 
                                      AND DayNumber >= @CurrentDayNumber); 

     --add the number of weeks to the date you calculate to be 
     --the upcoming day that matched your parameters
      RETURN (DATEADD(WEEK,@NumberOfWeeks,
               DATEADD(DAY, @NextDayNumber – @CurrentDayNumber, @DateValue)));

To see the code in work, Here are a few examples:

SELECT Tools.Date$GetNthDay ('Tuesday', 0, '2021-02-17');

Returns: 2021-02-23

SELECT Tools.Date$GetNthDay ('Tuesday', 1, '2021-02-17');

Returns 2021-03-02

SELECT Tools.Date$GetNthDay ('Wednesday', 0, '2021-02-17');

Returns 2021-02-17 (since that is a Wednesday)

SELECT Tools.Date$GetNthDay ('Wednesday', -3, '2021-02-17');

Returns 3 weeks ago Wednesday or 2021-01-27

And a couple of fun tests

SELECT Tools.Date$GetNthDay ('Wednesday', -1000, '2021-02-17');

Returns 2001-12-19

SELECT Tools.Date$GetNthDay ('Wednesday', 100000, '2021-02-17');

Returns 3937-09-01

In addition, to my Redgate tools repo, I added a snippet that does the same thing, but does not require the overhead of compiling code, which lets you use the code anywhere you desire. You can get that here in my Github repo for : sqlprompt/snippets at master · drsqlgithub/sqlprompt and it is named: LD_GetNthDay.sqlpromptsnippet.


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Using Apache Kafka with .NET

Have you ever used async processing for your applications? Whether for a web-based or a cloud-driven approach, asynchronous code seems inevitable when dealing with tasks that do not need to process immediately. Apache Kafka is one of the most used and robust open-source event streaming platforms out there. Many companies and developers take advantage of its power to create high-performance async processes along with streaming for analytics purposes, data integration for microservices, and great monitoring tools for app health metrics. This article explains the details of using Kafka with .NET applications. It also shows the installation and usage on a Windows OS and its configuration for an ASP.NET API.

How It Works

The world produces data constantly and exponentially. To embrace such an ever-growing amount of data, tools like Kafka come into existence, providing robust and impressive architecture.

But how does Kafka work behind the scenes?

Kafka works as a middleman exchanging information from producers to consumers. They are the two main actors in each edge of this linear process.

Apache Kafka

Figure 1. Producers and consumers in Kafka

Kafka can also be configured to work in a cluster of one or more servers. Those servers are called Kafka brokers. You can benefit from multiple features such as data replication, fault tolerance, and high availability with brokers.

Kafka clusters

Figure 2. Kafka clusters

These brokers are managed by another tool called Zookeeper. In summary, it is a service that aims to keep configuration-like data synchronized and organized in distributed systems.

Kafka Topics

Kafka is just the broker, the stage in which all the action takes place. The producers send messages to the world while the consumers read specific chunks of data. How do you differentiate one specific portion of data from the others? How do consumers know what data to consume? To understand this, you need a new actor in the play: the topics.

Kafka topics are the channels, the carriage that transport messages around. Kafka records produced by producers are organized and stored into topics.

Imagine that you’re working on a new API project for a catalog of trees and plants. You want to make sure that everybody in the company has access to each newly registered tree. And that is why you picked Kafka.

Every new tree registered within the system is going to be broadcasted via Kafka. The name of the topic is tree_catalog.

Tree catalog in Kafka

Figure 3. Topic tree_catalog in Kafka

In this relationship, the topics work as a stack. It keeps information in the same position as it arrived and guarantees no data loss.

Each data record that arrives is stored in a slot and registered with a unique position number called offset.

When a consumer consumes a message stored in offset 0, for example, it commits the message stating that everything was ok and moves on to the next offset, and so on. The process usually happens linearly. However, since many consumers can “plug” into the same topic simultaneously, the responsibility of knowing which data positions were already consumed is left to the consumers. That means that consumers can decide which order they will consume the messages, or even if they want to restart the processing from scratch (offset 0).

Topic offsets

Figure 4. Topic offsets

Topic Partitions

One key feature of distributed systems is data replication. It allows for a more secure architecture since the data is replicated somewhere else in case bad things happen. Kafka deals with replication via partitions. Kafka topics are configured to be spread among several partitions (configurable). Each partition holds data records via unique offsets.

To achieve redundancy, Kafka creates replicas from the partitions (one or more) and spreads the data through the cluster.

This process follows the leader-followers model in which one leader replica always deals with the requests for a given partition while the followers replicate it. Every time a producer pushes a message to a topic, it goes directly to that topic leader.

Consumer Groups

The most appropriate way to consume messages from a topic in Kafka is via consumer groups.

As the name suggests, these groups are formed by one or more consumers that aim to get all the messages from a specific topic.

To do this, the group must always have a unique id (set by the property Whenever a consumer wants to join that group, it will do so via group id.

Kafka consumer groups

Figure 5. Consumer groups in Kafka

Every time you add or remove consumers to a group, Kafka will rebalance the load among them so that no overhead happens.


Now that you know the basics of how Kafka universally works, it’s time to move on to the environment setup. To simplify, the example will use Docker to hold the Kafka and Zookeeper images rather than installing them on your machine. This way, you save some space and complexities.

For Windows users, Docker provides a simple way to install and manage your Docker containers: the Docker Desktop. Go to its download page and download the installer. Run it and proceed to the end without changing the default setup options (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Installing Docker on Windows

Make sure to restart your computer after the process is done. After the restart, Docker may ask you to install other dependencies so make sure to accept every one of them.

One of the fastest paths to have a valid Kafka local environment on Docker is via Docker Compose. This way, you can set up a bunch of application services via a YAML file and quickly get them running.

From a code editor (Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, etc.), create a new file called docker-compose.yml and save the contents of Listing 1 into it.

Listing 1. Creating a docker-compose.yml file

version: '2'
    image: wurstmeister/zookeeper
      - "2181:2181"
    image: wurstmeister/kafka
      - "9092:9092"
      KAFKA_CREATE_TOPICS: "simpletalk_topic:1:1"
      KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: zookeeper:2181
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

Notice the code imports two service images (kafka and zookeeper) from the Docker Hub’s account called wurstmeister. This is one of the most stable images when working with Kafka on Docker. The ports are also set with their recommended values, so be careful not to change them.

One of the most important settings of this listing belongs to the KAFKA_CREATE_TOPICS config. Here’s the place where you must define your topic name to be automatically created.

There are other ways to create topics, which you’ll see in the future.

Navigate via the command line to the folder where you saved the docker-compose.yml file. Then, run the following command to start the images:

docker-compose up

This code will start the download of all the dependencies and start the images. During the process, you may see a lot of logs. If no ERROR logs are displayed, then the startup was successful.

Note: You must leave the docker-compose cmd window open, otherwise the images will go down.

To check if the Docker images are up, run the following command in another cmd window:

docker ps

Figure 7 shows how the output should look.

Figure 7. Checking out the installed Docker images


Great! Your Kafka environment is ready to be used. The next step is to jump into the project creation at Visual Studio (VS). Open VS, and head to the project creation window. Search for the ASP.NET Core Web Application template as shown in Figure 8. Click Next.

Create a new ASP.NET project

Figure 8. Creating a new ASP.NET Core Web Application

In the following window, make sure to give the solution a different name, as shown in Figure 9. This is because both consumer and producer projects will coexist within the same solution.

Click Create.

Configure your project

Figure 9. Configuring the project and solution names

The next window asks for a template selection. Select the API template. Unselect the Configure for HTTPS option. Click Create.

Selecting the project template

Figure 10. Selecting the project template

When the project is created, right-click the solution and select the Add > New Project… option. Then, select the same ASP.NET Core Web Application project type and click Next.

Give the project a name like shown in Figure 11.

Creating the producer project

Figure 11. Creating the producer project

Click Create. Go on and select the API template like before, but leave Configure for HTTPS selected. Now, you have two projects in the ST-Kafka-NET solution.

NuGet Packages

To make your C# code understand how to produce and consume messages, you need a client for Kafka. The most used client today is Confluent’s Kafka .NET Client.

To install it, right-click the solution and select the Manage NuGet Packages for Solution… option. Type Confluent in the search box and select the Confluent.Kafka option, as shown in Figure 12.

Adding Kafka packages to the solution

Figure 12. Adding Kafka packages to the solution

Select both projects and click Install. Alternatively, you can add them via command line:

PM> Install-Package Confluent.Kafka

Setting Up the Consumer

Now to implement the consumer project. Although it is a REST-like application, the consumer is not required. You can have any type of .NET project listening to topic messages.

The project already contains a Controllers folder. You need to create a new one called Handlers and add a new class called KafkaConsumerHandler.cs to it.

Listing 2 shows the new class code content.

Listing 2. KafkaConsumerHandler code

using Confluent.Kafka;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ST_KafkaConsumer.Handlers
    public class KafkaConsumerHandler : IHostedService
        private readonly string topic = "simpletalk_topic";
        public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var conf = new ConsumerConfig
                GroupId = "st_consumer_group",
                BootstrapServers = "localhost:9092",
                AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest
            using (var builder = new ConsumerBuilder<Ignore, 
                var cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
                    while (true)
                        var consumer = builder.Consume(cancelToken.Token);
                        Console.WriteLine($"Message: {consumer.Message.Value} received from {consumer.TopicPartitionOffset}");
                catch (Exception)
            return Task.CompletedTask;
        public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return Task.CompletedTask;

This handler must run in a separate thread since it will eternally watch for incoming messages within a while loop. Therefore, it’s making use of Async Tasks in this class.

Pay attention to the topic name and consumer configs. They match exactly what was set in your docker-compose.yml file. Make sure to double-check your typing here, since divergences can lead to some blind errors.

The consumer group id can be anything you want. Usually, they receive intuitive names to help with maintenance and troubleshooting.

Whenever a new message is published to the simpletalk_topic topic, this consumer will consume it and log it to the console. Of course, in real-world apps, you’d make better use of this data.

You also need to add this hosted service class to the Startup class. So, open it and add the following code line to the ConfigureServices method:

services.AddSingleton<IHostedService, KafkaConsumerHandler>();

Make sure to import the proper using at the beginning of the class as well:

using ST_KafkaConsumer.Handlers;

Setting Up the Producer

Moving on to the producer, things will be handled a bit differently here. Since there’s no need for infinite loops to listen to messages arriving, the producers can simply publish messages from anywhere, even from the controllers. In a real application, it’d be better to have this type of code separate from the MVC layers, but this example sticks to the controllers to keep it simple.

Create a new class called KafkaProducerController.cs in the Controllers folder and add the content of Listing 3 to it.

Listing 3. KafkaProducerController code

using System;
using Confluent.Kafka;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace Kafka.Producer.API.Controllers
    public class KafkaProducerController : ControllerBase
        private readonly ProducerConfig config = new ProducerConfig 
                             { BootstrapServers = "localhost:9092" };
        private readonly string topic = "simpletalk_topic";
        public IActionResult Post([FromQuery] string message)
            return Created(string.Empty, SendToKafka(topic, message));
        private Object SendToKafka(string topic, string message)
            using (var producer = 
                 new ProducerBuilder<Null, string>(config).Build())
                    return producer.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message<Null, string> { Value = message })
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Oops, something went wrong: {e}");
            return null;

The producer code is much simpler than the consumer code. Confluent’s ProducerBuilder class takes care of creating a fully functional Kafka producer based on the provided config options, Kafka server, and topic name.

It’s important to remember that the whole process is asynchronous. However, you can use Confluent’s API to retrieve the awaiter object and then the result that will be returned from the API method. The Message object, in turn, encapsulates the message key and content, respectively. Keys are optional in topics, while the content can be of any type (provided in the second generic argument).


To test this example, you need to run the producer and consumer applications separately. In the upper toolbar, locate the Startup Projects combo box and select the ST-KafkaConsumer option as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Selecting the consumer project to run

Then, click the button IIS Express to run the consumer app. This will trigger a new browser window that we’ll ignore and minimize since the consumer API is not the focus.

Then, open a new cmd window and navigate to the producer folder. Once there, you can run the command dotnet run to start it up, as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Starting the producer project from the cmd

Pay attention to the URL and port in which it is running.

Now is time to send some messages via producer API. To do this, you can use any API testing tool such as Postman, for example. However, this example will stick to cURL for the sake of simplicity.

For the following commands to work properly, you must ensure that the Docker images are working. So, before running into them, make sure to execute docker ps again to check that out. Sometimes, restarting the computer stops these processes.

If the command doesn’t log anything, run the docker-compose up once more.

To test the publish-subscribe message, open another cmd window and issue the following command:

curl -H "Content-Length: 0" -X POST "http://localhost:51249/api/kafka?message=Hello,kafka!"

This request will arrive at the producer API and trigger the publish of a new message to Kafka.

To check if the consumer received it, you may locate the Output window and select the option ST-KafkaConsumer – ASP.NET Core Web Server on the Show output from: combo box, as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15. Watching consumer logs

The cmd window may show the JSON result as well. However, it’s not formatted. To fix this, if you have Python installed, you can run the following command:

curl -H "Content-Length: 0" -X POST "http://localhost:51249/api/kafka?message=Hello,kafka!" | python -m json.tool

Which should produce the output shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16. Displaying formatted JSON with Python help

This is all the information about a topic message object you can get for now. A second test will show what happens when the consumer project is down, and a message is published.

Stop the consumer project at Visual Studio and hit another cURL command, but this time with a different message:

curl -H "Content-Length: 0" -X POST "http://localhost:51249/api/kafka?message=Is%20anybody%20there?" | python -m json.tool

Then, start the consumer project again and watch for the logs. You may see the message being consumed right after startup (Figure 17).

Figure 17. The message arriving after startup

Using Apache Kafka with .NET

Pretty nice, isn’t it? What about you? Have you ever used Kafka for your projects? How was your experience with it?

Kafka is a flexible and robust tool that allows for strong implementations in many types of projects, reason number one why it is so widely adopted.

This article was just a brief introduction to its world, but there’s much more to see like Kafka Streams, working in the cloud, and more complex scenarios from the real world. In the next article, I’ll explore Kafka’s capabilities. Let’s go together!


The post Using Apache Kafka with .NET appeared first on Simple Talk.

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