Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Simple-Talk Editors Blog

Today I am starting (well, restarting) a new feature here on Simple-Talk, The Editor’s Blog. This blog will cover topics about writing technical blogs and articles, how to access the information on Simple-Talk at your convenience, and even other writing issues like how to write an excellent presentation and abstract. Topics will sometimes be Simple-Talk centric, but more often, subjects will be about writing and editing content that I think will be useful to anyone. 

I aim to separate the editorial content from the technical content I want to write. There have been editors before me, and there will almost certainly be editors after. Still, the content of the editor of Simple-Talk will generally be timeless content and valuable no matter who is writing or editing it.

I (Louis Davidson, current editor and an owner of a desk that usually wishes it was that neat) have had a blog on Simple-Talk for many years before working at Redgate and will continue to post technical articles, slightly personal editorials, and announcements as to where I will be speaking and attending conferences and user group meetings. Mixing this in with editor content seemed wrong. 

Buried in the structures of the Simple-Talk website, there are articles about how to write an article, style guides, writing an influential blog, etc. I want to move them forward as blog posts that are easy to access. Most of the points in these articles are valid for blogs we publish on Simple-Talk and other places too. From time to time, I might update that data as well.

In the future, more general articles about writing, speaking, or content production that can help our writers and the community will appear.

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The post The Simple-Talk Editor’s Blog appeared first on Simple Talk.

from Simple Talk

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