Sunday, August 28, 2016

Conditional Split Transformation in SSIS

Conditional Split Transformation in SSIS:

Why Conditional Split Transformation Task is Use ?
Conditional Split Transformation task use when want to direct subsets of data to different locations, such as sending centrally collected data to appropriate branches or within the dataflow when we want to apply different business rules to certain subsets of the data, before merging this Dataset.
    This is most useful transformation in Data Flow Task where we can traverse through different condition.
In Conditional Split Transformation incoming data can be split into multiple outputs as per the conditions specified. It has a default output too that handles all the rows that do not match to any conditions
How Conditional Split Transformation Task is look like ?
Features of Conditional Split Transformation Task
When we need to perform one to many operation we often use conditional transformation
Lets consider we need to perform various operation in same database
How to use Conditional Split Transformation Task ? and Demonstration of using Conditional Split Transformation Task ?
This is as simple as derived column transformation which have already discuss ..
Just drag out this task from Data Flow Tasks
Once we are ready to use we can configure as shown in following diagram
Various Properties For each Conditional Split Transformation Task ?
Following are various properties for Split Transformation
Reference link For Conditional Split Transformation Task

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