Monday, December 5, 2016

Copy All Tables from IBM DB2 schema to SQL Server

I am trying to come up with the best and most efficient way to copy more than 700+ tables from an IBM DB2 iSeries schema to SQL Server. I have tried the followings:

1. I have exported all the 700+ tables into csv files but I am not able to upload them all in one batch to SQL. I can upload one table at time but it too time consuming

2. Created SSIS package to directly copy table form IBM to SQL but that's gain working for only one table at a time

Any recommendations as what tool(s) or methods to use for copying/uploading multiple tables from IBM to SQL?

If you create a table that lists all the tables/files to be imported, and a script that takes a filename and imports the file (possibly with BULK INSERT), you could run multiple copies of that script to do parallel imports.  A flag bit in the table could be used to mark which tables have been chosen by one of the script copies.

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