Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Getting back to normal after a long summer

It has been a fun summer, sort of.

13 weeks ago, I had my left knee replaced to balance out my other two hip replacements on my right side. This is hopefully the last time that Dr Morrison of Southern Joint Replacement Institute ever has to cut into parts of my body with power tools. (Never say never, but all my other joints are in decent enough shape comparatively!) For this surgery I did something I did not do for my last two. I kind of shut out the SQL world for a while. I barely worked for 4 weeks, and I didn’t blog or pay attention to several book projects I am working on currently.

This was kind of a wonderful feeling, but I definitely started missing writing blogs, articles, and a book I had started working on with a group of authors earlier in the year. The book had to come first before I got back into the real world, and last Saturday night, I finished my parts that were of the critical path of getting it done. (I revised (fairly heavily) two chapters, then tech edited half of the book. So far, I am pretty proud of my time on the book, and I expect the output to be really great.

The book is “SQL Server 2019 Administration Inside Out”, from Microsoft Press. You can find out more about here.

It has even been a fairly long time between conferences for me too. My last SQL Saturday was SQL Saturday Chattanooga, where I was on the leadership team. I missed Louisville, where I had been to every one of the events prior, as well as a few others like Indianapolis that I had been to the prior year. It was kind of hard to watch from the Twitterverse this year, but it was kind of restful there too. I also worked on the crew for Music City Tech again this year, which was in early September.

My next SQL Saturday I have scheduled is SQL Saturday Memphis, cause you know, I gotta support my Tennessee folks! I will be doing my newest presentation, Relational Design Critique, which I really enjoy with a group. I put up a design, and we discuss the issues with the model. Later that week, I will travel out to Richmond to their user group and do the presentation for them (their group was actually the inspiration for the presentation, as something VERY similar was on their list of possible topics for the year!)

The next SQL Saturday I plan to submit to is Nashville (, my second home! Tammy and Kerry do a great job, and I look forward to attending, and maybe speaking. 

If any of my other editors happen to read this, know that you (and only you) are the next up on my to do list. No one else but you. Not any other SQL project, not my Disney Picture a Day twitter feed, not my Dollywood Pictures twitter feed, not even planning for my upcoming trip to Disney World to see Galaxy’s Edge, and certainly not planning a SQL Saturday, Music City Tech, PASS Summit, or even time with my grandkids. Just you!

The post Getting back to normal after a long summer appeared first on Simple Talk.

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