Monday, January 3, 2022

Evaluation policies in a tenant-wide level and more Azure tricks

I wrote many blogs about policies in Azure. I started talking about How essential Policies are, than including them in a blog about Azure SQL AD Only Authentication  and finally about how to ensure Azure SQL is with Azure AD Only Authentication enabled

Using both, policies and management groups, we can manage standards across a word-wide company tenant. We can create policies on many hierarchical levels and apply them.

When we create new policies and assign them to a management group, we may would like to have an evaluation of these policies, know the compliance of the existing objects.

We can manually trigger this evaluation even in a world-wide level. The evaluation is always triggered on a resource group level.

Manually Triggering the Policies

That’s what I’m including on this post: A powershell script to trigger the policy evaluation for all resource groups in our company.

The resource groups may be in different subscriptions. We will need to list the subscriptions and execute the evaluation for the resources groups on each subscription at a time.

For this, I will use another trick I already wrote about many times: KQLKusto Query Language.

You may would like to check some articles I wrote about KQL:

Microsoft built a layer on Azure background called Azure Resource Graph. Azure Resource Graph allow us to use KQL to query Azure Resources.

We can execute a KQL query in Powershell to retrieve the objects we need to deal with, then we process these objects. This can make some powershell code way easier.

The script below does this task

  1. Retrieves the subscriptions from Azure
  2. Loop through the retrieved subscriptions
  3. For each subscription, change Azure context to it
  4. Get all resource groups
  5. For each resource group, start the processing of the policies as a powershell job

Write-Host "Starting"
$result=(Search-AzGraph -Query 'resourcecontainers
| where type == "microsoft.resources/subscriptions"
| project name, subscriptionId')

$result | foreach {

   Write-Host "changing subscription to $($_.subscriptionId)"

   Set-AzContext -Subscription $_.subscriptionId
   Get-AzResourceGroup | foreach {
                Write-Host "starting $($_.ResourceGroupName)"
                Start-AzPolicyComplianceScan -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName -AsJob



Executing the Script

This script doesn’t care about the azure authentication because it’s built to be executed inside the Cloud Shell. In this way, the authentication will already be present and the script works exactly as it is now.

The cloud shell can make things even easier for us. It’s linked to a File share in a storage account. We can create a map of this file share in our local machine and use it to create and edit scripts like this one on your local machine and directly save them to the cloud shell.

The post Evaluation policies in a tenant-wide level and more Azure tricks appeared first on Simple Talk.

from Simple Talk

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