Friday, November 17, 2023

PASS Summit 2023 – Community Keynote – AIOps and ChatGPT – Prepare to Ride the Next Wave

Last but not least, the Community Keynote. Hang on to your hats, this is going to be an interesting ride!

President/Founder of SQL Skills – Kimberly Tripp

Surprised people make the Friday keynote. Agreed. This is hard and exhausting! On day to go!

Try to do your reviews as soon as possible. Then perhaps present to your team members

Get involved with a local user group!

Telling us how much she loves this community. (Louis: we have loved Kim for so long it is shocking. She was one of my first memories, her sitting on the end of the stage presenting about indexes!)

<Pass Community Summits picture>

Is that a quiz bowl picture in there?


Working on a book, amazing photography being shown!

Climate change is a part of the impetus.

Wants to tell kids that being geeky is OK! Girls and boys too!

Does real estate too

Thank you to Redgate (Thank you just as much!)

Visit the Expo Hall

Introducing Ben Weissman

<image of slide>

Introducint Meloday Zacharias

<image of slide>

Steve Jones walks out..

Known Kimberley for like 20 years. They were in diapers (hopefully because they were really really young, but that wasn’t specified!)

Kevin Kline, Joe Webb, and Paul Randal (spouse) come out.



<crowd picture>

Ben and Melody walk out

Introduces the future of Big Data Clusters. Ouch!

Generated welcome with Chat GPT.


It did not a completely terrible job.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

What we don’t understand can cause fear and anxiety.

Seven decades of the Turing test. It is used to determine what is AI. If an AI can seem human enough, it passes the Turing test. <add link>

New form of computing will likely touch every job in every sector


Top Fields in Artificial Intelligence

  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Vision

Not that AI will take your job, but someone who Is using AI most likely will be.

Ben is demoing a few uses of AI. Like Deepfake Tom Cruise.

Using Google Translate to describe an image, translated it to Armenian, and then back.

Not completely did it right, based on the way Aremian doesn’t do gender the same way, Then does this:

Ben describes them on stage, and no matter how he describes the image he wants from Dall-E, it won’t dress a man in pink, and the woman in blue.

Is there something wrong with AI?

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