Thursday, November 16, 2023

PASS Summit 2023 – Redgate Keynote – The New Database Landscape – Revealing Shifts and Charting the Next Horizon

Day 2 is here! Sitting here at the bloggers table waiting for the keynote to commence!

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Carly Miechen – Redgate Events (Check name spelling!)

Welcome to day 2. Let the Event team this year! (Great job Carly). Carly’s fifth PASS (first in 7 years!).  Welcome to the people watching on the livestream as well!

All general sessions will be available on demand after Summit! Within a few weeks. People at the conference get access through February.

Connect, Share, and Learn. Meet someone new in the “hallway track”. Best track at the Summit (and you can’t get the recordings!)

The Women in Technology Luncheon is today!

Now, the Redgate Keynote. Introducing the team doing end to end DevOp! And information from the State of the Database report. Live Interactive poll

Developer Advocate, Ryan Booz


Ryan sharing the love Redgate has for PostgreSQL.

Year was 2004, he was singing with the 4 decades.

<need that picture!>

By 2018, he was hanging out with goats and learning analytics using the Microsoft analytics. Then he was introduced to PostgreSQL.


The rest is history, which he is actually telling us.


The elephant in the room!

In fact, he is explaining just how I feel when I am using PostgreSQL. Lost. It is really different. Different isn’t inherently bad, but it is easy!  Ryan dug more and more into PostgreSQL working with Timescale.

Found out, through seeing Grant Fritchey talking about PostgreSQL, that Redgate was doing more PostgreSQL, and that rest is history.

Head of Product Design For Redgate = Tushita Gupta

Sharing information from multiple sources, including our State of the Database Landscape Report.

Live questons: How many database platforms is your organization using. (Oh how happy am I that that question was database platforms!

Results: Most are using multi-platform. Nearly 1/2 of the people responding said they had multiple platforms.

Somewhat to save money, but that cost savings can increase complexity.

<monitoring quote image>

Where are your organization’s databases hosted?

Hybrid, 58%, On Prem- 32, All Cloud 11%

Matches up with our reviews.

From our reviews:


End to end Database DevOps


Has your organization used AI for database management? 40% no.

Potential gains through AI.

Provisioning, developing, integration.. Monitoring, and everything in between..


Test data.

60% of people responding us prod data for testing!

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