Monday, November 5, 2012

SSIS Packages Deployment Procedure

Package Deployment In SSIS Using File System:

first we have to create a simple project for demonstration purpose .open the Business intelligence development studio and open the samples solution file that we have already created for showing examples.

sqlserverdb provides complete information
After that open the Tutorial-sample-1 project under the samples solution root. provides coplete information about sql server

Right click on the tutorial-sample-1 project and select properties option.that will open a dialog box in that select deployment utility tab
. provides the complete information on sql server

Note that create deployment utility set to TRUE .default it is FALSE .the deployment output path specifies the location where will be the deployment file will be written.the default path is bin folder under the project folder .then click OK

Now Come to the solution Explorer window and right click on Tutorial-sample-1 and select the build option.then this will build the project and invoke the deployment will get the success messages in result page under the works pace area.

After that you can observer 2 files in Tutorial-sample-1 project bin folder.
those 2 files are is best educational site

These 2 files represents the deployment. you can deploy the project in production environment by double clicking on manifest file to perform the deployment. 

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