Thursday, November 8, 2012

SSRS Real time scenarios

SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services)Real Time Scenarios:

Scenario 1:

 Show the report like Drill Down. Here I have 3 groups as shown in below.

Main Category Name 

     +  Sub Category Name1

               + Sub Details1

                             Details1Name     rate      qty    amount

                +Sub Details2

                               Details1Name     rate      qty    amount


                               Details1Name     rate      qty    amount

       +SubCategory Name2

       +Sub Catagory Name3   


Scenario 2:

I have an SSRS Report that needs to be filtered via multi-value parameter selection. normally we can done for single column. But here we want to allow multi-select based on multiple columns. The column layout is as follows:

X                X               X           X
NULL          X             NULL      NULL
X               NULL           X         NULL
X                X                X         X
X              NULL            X         NULL
NULL         X                X          NULL
X               X               NULL     NULL
X               X               NULL    NULL

In my report parameter, when multiple AFLAG, BFLAG, CFLAG or DFLAG values are selected, I want to be able to display every Reports that contains an 'X' in each column once, where there are multiple values marked with 'X' in a single report.

Scenario 3:

In SSRS Datetime Parameter we need to select Time as well.

 how to activate/Enable Time Selection in SSRS?

Scenario 4:

What is the best way to create a report for my auditing information to show it to the top management.

scenario 5:

I'm looking for  a way to hide/display a certain parameter in SSRS according to the value that

has been chosen in the previous one.

  For example:

I've to printout the items that velong to chosen category/sub category

This means that the First parameter is a combo box of the available categories+ 'All Categories'

The second parameter is a combo box of the sub categories of the one that have been 

chosen in the categories combo box.

However, It is not needed to display the sub categories combo box, if 'All Categories' category

has been chosen.

scenario 6:

I am running in to a problem in SSRS 2.0 where I have a report that generates data based on 2 perameters, Manager and Month. For each month there are around 20-25 managers.

The final report contains 3 different tables per manager that are not connected.

What I would like to do is make the report display the 3 tables for each manager on a given month so it would look something like this:

Manager A:

   Table 1

   Table 2

   Table 3

Manager B:

   Table 1

   Table 2

   Table 3

And so on...

My only thought is to copy and paste the 3 tables 20+ times and make each set of tables refer to a different manager.

These are some scenarios i faced in real time.. i will update the answers soon..


  1. Hi In Scnerio 2
    my answer is we give expression is
    =iif(Fields!AFLAG.Value > Previous(Fields!AFLAG.Value),Fields!AFLAG.Value ,"-")

  2. Please answers above scenarioes in ssrs.

  3. I need more scenarioes in ssrs & ssis.Post as soon as posile
