Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What is Report Server Data Base in Reporting Services?

What is Report Server Data Base in Reporting Services?

Report Server Data Base:
The report server database is the main store of the data in reporting services. It contains report defenations, report models, data source, schedules, security information and snapshots.Because of this this is critical that the database be backup regularly .
Now we are going to discuss about some tables in sql server reporting servicies with functinal areas.


Catalog Table: It contains the report defenations and folder locations and data source information.
Data Source Table: It contains Every individual data source information.


Users Table: It contains the user name and security ID(SID) information for autherized users.

Policies Table: It contains a listing references to different security policies.

Policy Users Role Table: It contains an association of users / groups, roles, and policies.

Roles Table: It contains a list of defined roles and the tasks the roles can perform.


Snapshot data Table:  It contains information used to run an individual snapshot, including query parameters and snapshot dependencies. 

ChunkData Table: it stores the report snap shots.

History Table: It stores a refernce between stored snapshots and the date they were captured.


schedule Table: it contains information for different report execution and subscription delivery scedules.

Report Schedule Table: It contains an association between a given report ,its execution schedule and the action to take.

Subscriptions Table: it contains a listing of individual subscriptions ,including the owner,parameter and delivery extensions.

Notifications Table: It contains the subcription notification information such as data processed ,last run time, and delivery extensions.

Event Table:  It contains Temporary storage location and event notifications.

Active Subscriptions Table: It contains suscription sucess/failure information

Running Jobs Table: It contains the currently executing scheduled process.

5. Administration:

Configuration info Table:  It contains Reporting services configure information ,which should be administrated through prescribed interfaces and not by directly editing this table data.

Keys Table: It contains the public and private keys for data encryption.

ExecutionLogStorage Table: It contains a listing of reports that have been executed and critical meta data about the event.

6.Report Models:

ModelDrill Table: It contains information used when implementing report builder infinate drill down features.

ModelItemPolicy Table: It contains an association between a given report item,model  and policy.

ModelPrespective Table: It contains an association between a given report model and its perspective.

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